Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
and his Viennese Orchestra
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. J. A. Fisher
" Ttieirs is the Kingdom of Heaven '
Forecast for land areas
Langham Light Orchestra Conductor, Maurice Miles
by Alistair Cooke
by Gordon McLean
Records of excerpts from Messiah
Light's abode, celestial Salem (BBC
H.B. 250)
New Every Morning, page 102
Psalm 34, vv. 11-22 (Broadcast
St. James 3, w. 1-12
He wants not friends that hath thy love (BBC H.B. 245)
The Bobby Howell Orchestra
' The Christian Writer in the Modern World '
Three programmes in which a novelist, a poet, and a producer consider the relevance of Christian belief to the practice of their arts
1-' Christian Novelists ' by Elizabeth Sewell
by Rosemary Harris
(to be read in fifteen instalments)
Abridged by Edgar Holt
Read by Betty Hardy
6 — ' A Job in Paris '
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader. John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Jack Simpson
Olga Gwynne , Tom Mennard
The Ray Ellington Quartet
Sandy Powell
Presented by Bill Worsley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
by J. B. Perry Robinson
Returning home after some years abroad, Perry Robinson has been impressed by the improvement in public good manners and honesty and by the cleanliness and pleasantness of our city streets. In this talk he produces evidence for this unusual belief.
Lunchtime scoreboard
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Maurice Miles
17— 'The English Character' by the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, M.P.
Twenty-nine years in Parliament afforded Lord Baldwin considerable experience of the English character, but in order to understand it properly we must look at it in the light of those invaders and settlers who contributed to it. His commentary and injunctions are as apt now as they were when he first broadcast
and his Latin-American Orchestra
by J. B. Priestley
Dramatised for radio in eight parts by Howard Agg Production by Martyn C. Webster ' 2-' Setting the Pace ' with Alan Reid and Brian Haines
Directed by Lionel Falkman
Elizabeth Cooper (soprano)
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Studies of famous singers on gramophone records
This week:
Emmy Destinn , Frieda Leider and Boris Christoff
Listeners, broadcasters, and a BBC engineer talk to Audrey Russell about , the new sound broadcasting service
See top of page
Part 1
by David Garnett
Adapted for broadcasting by Thea Holme
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Production by Hugh Stewart
followed by late weather forecast for land areas