A reading for Sunday morning from the chapter on Christ the Healer' in Evelvn Underhill's book
' Light of Christ'
Reader, Diana Chadwick
Forecast for land areas
BBC Concert Orchestra
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Forecast for land areas
by Susi Jeans
From Cleveland Lodge, Dorking
Six talks on family tradition
4-only a Name by John Harington More
The Harington family had already fallen from their former greatness bv the time of Queen Elizabeth's godson,' Sir John Harington of Kelston. Today, their castles in ruins and the house of Kelston razed to the ground, all that remains to them in memory of the past is the name of their most famous ancestor.
A request programme of gramophone records including this week:
Violin Concerto No. 2, in D minor
(Max Bruch )
North Country Sketches (Delius)
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news, its background, and the people who make it
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Edited and introduced by Maxwell Knight
Maxwell Knight discusses with two well-known naturalists, W. S. Bristowe and Walter Murray , the astonishing breeding and social behaviour of the two groups of wasps found in this country-the social or colonial wasps and the solitary or hunting wasps
Produced by Winwood Reade
Part 1
by Leslie Gardiner
In this talk the speaker describes a memorable journey which Vincent Lunardi the aeronaut made in Scotland in 1785.
Part 2
with his guitar on gramophone records
by Alistair Cooke
For Children of Most Ages
' Something Old, Something New '
Welsh folk songs and nursery tunes, old and new, sung by Esme Lewis , with Mansel Thomas , the composer of many of the tunes, at the piano
The third of four programmes
5.10 For Older Children
' The Wrong Thing' from ' Rewards and Fairies '
The third of four stories by Rudyard Kipling told by David
Hal o' the Draft, master among masons, comes into this story again. So, but for the first time, does his enemy, the Italian Benedetto, who works in stucco: ' fresco we call it,' says Hal.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
and the Winter Garden Orchestra with Norman Whiteley (piano)
Conducted by Paul Dehn
Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: Richard Findiater
Radio: Lionel Hale
Book: J. W. Lambert
Art: Basil Taylor
Appeal on behalf of the Christian Alliance of Women and Girls by George Cansdale
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Christian Alliance of Women and Girls works mainly through clubs, hostels, and holiday homes, and helps many women and girls physically, mentally, and spiritually. Young girls enjoy happy evenings in the clubs, and older women are also welcomed. In charge of each branch is a leader, qualified to help those in her care towards the highest ideals of Christian womanhood. Many parents are thankful that a happy ' home from home' is provided for students and business girls in the residential hostels run by the Alliance; but more hostels are needed, especially in our big cities. Holidays, too, at reasonable cost in country and seaside holiday homes bring encouragement and refreshment to many.
The third book of ' The Forsyte Saga ' by John Galsworthy
Adapted as a serial in eleven parts by Muriel Levy
Part 6
Production by Hugh Stewart
Irene and her son Jon being abroad, Jolyon finds life at Robin Hill lonely. June, his daughter by an earlier marriage, visits him and learns of Jon's love for Fleur, daughter of Soames. She cannot see why the young people should be made unhappy because of the past.
Jon can no longer stay away ' and returns to London to keep an appointment with Fleur at the Art Gallery. Still ignorant of the dramatic situation that exists between them because of their birth, Jon takes Fleur to his home, where Irene and Jolyon meet her.
Jolyon, failing in health, is much moved by this encounter, and thinks of telling his son about the family quarrel.
by Denis Johnston
As the author of ' The Moon in the Yellow River' and a director of the Gate Theatre for five years, Denis Johnston is well qualified to give advice to young men embarking on the career of a dramatist.
Symphony No. 3, in E flat
(Rhenish) played by the Orchestra of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Conducted by Joseph Keilberth
(Recordings made available by courtesy of Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne)
Talk by the Rev. E. H. Robertson
Is the Church to be a society isolated from the rest of the world, or is Christ Lord of the Church and the world? Twenty-four theologians have been discussing this question in preparation for the next meeting of the World Council of Churches. Mr. Robertson, who was present, speaks of the trend of the discussion.
' They shall inherit the earth'
Isaiah 61, vv. 1-6a Psalm 25 (Broadcast psalter) Revelation 4, v. 1, to 5, v. 14
Behold the mountain of the Lord
(BBC H.B. 485)
St. Matthew 5, v. 5
late weather forecast for land areas