Revo Works Band
Conductor, Harry Heyes
Forecast for land areas
and his Orchestra
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. J. A. Fisher
'They shall inherit the earth
Forecast tor land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled bv Loutse Davies
by Julie Tyler
The Canadian Company, whose Shakespeare Festivals in their tented theatre have had so much success, arrives tomorrow to play, for the first time outside North America, at the Edinburgh Festival. Miss Tvler recalls her visit to their theatre where Shakespeare is played on an open stage.
(died July 29, 1856)
Jan van der Gucht (tenor)
Gwynne Edwards (viola)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Marchenbilder. Op. 113, for viola and piano
Songs from Dichterliebe:
Im wunderschonen Monat Mal Aus meinen Thränen spriessen Die Rose, die Lilie Wenn ich in deine Augen seh'
Ich will meine Seele tauchen Ich grolle nicht
Und wUssten's die Blumen Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen
Ein Jttngling liebt ein Madchen
Records of vocal and instrumental music
0 praise ye the Lord (BBC H.B. 279) New Every Morning, page 4
Psalm 19. vv 1-11 (Broadcast Psalter) St. James 4, vv. 7-17
The Lord doth reign (BBC H.B. 476)
Lou Preager and his Orchestra
Partita No. 1, in B flat
Partita No 6. in E minor played by Rosalyn Tureck (piano) From the Freemasons' Hall.
with accompaniment directed by Roland Shaw on gramophone records
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gypsy melodies featured by Tibor Kunstler and his Tzigane Band with piano solos played by Frank Baron
Produced by Glyn Jones
by Emile Philippe
by Lady Gregory
3.20 app. ' FAREWELL
BONNY WESTON' by Lucia Turnbull
Both plays adapted for radio by Mollie Greenhalgh and produced by John R. Hopkins
from Exeter Cathedral
Sung by members of the Royal School of Church Music, directed by Gerald Knight
Sentence; Confession: Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses
Psalms 108 and 109 (omitting vt.
First wesson: Zechariah 1, v. 18, to
2, v. 13
Magnificat (Statham in B minor)
Second Lesson: St. John 5, w. 24-47 Nunc dimittis (Statham in E minor) Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Versicles and Responses Collects
Anthem: 0 thou sweetest source
(Charles Wood)
Prayers; The Grace
Organ Fantasia in F minor and major
( Mozart)
Organist. Michael Brimer
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Coping with Disabilities: a doctor gives advice to those who are physically handicapped
Draper's Assistant: Norah Bottlng describes her apprenticeship at the turn of the century
Presented by Richard Baker
For Children of Most Ages
' The Singing Forest' by H. Mortimer Batten told by Derek McCulloch
2 — ' The Yellowface Raider'
In this story from the above book, Corrie, the pet red deer calf, tries to escape and join his own kind, but the alarming experience of the yellowface raider makes him think again ...
5.20 'The Atom Chasers'
A serial play in six parts by Angus MacVicar
2 — ' The Anchorite's Cave '
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
Sandy, Jock, and Willie are convinced that a spy is at work in the West Highland parish of Dunglass. One dark evening they follow two unidentified figures from the Atom Station to the front gate of Major Morrison's house. Willie is left to keep watch on the gate, while Sandy and Jock climb the high wall above the greenhouse. As they crane their necks to see the strangers coming up the drive, they overbalance and fall with a crash ...
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Clifford Smith
4—' Ambush for Ostriches'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Roll back the carpet and join in the fun with Jack Armstrong and his Barnstormers
Songs by the Singing Hinnies
Diana Blackett-Ord
(Northumbrian pipes)
Bill Cain calls the tune
Arranged by Richard Kelly
From the Village Hall, Dinnington Northumberland
(or' The Anatomy of Melancholy')
A personal saga with music
Chapter 4
Sturm und Drang-a great act!—1 decide to devote my life to study— I consume the midnight oil-but prefer gin-I discover Schopenhauer' Dr. Schopenhauer. I presume? '-1 publish my first thesis-and learn to read-nobody cares, including
Kitty Bluett , Miriam Karlin
Georgia Brown David Jacobs
Graham Stark
Certain songs are sung arranged by Malcolm Lockyer and accompanied by his own Orchestra
Certain words are said arranged by David Climie
I am produced by Roy Speer
Max Rostal (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
Russian music
Part 1
A personal tribute by Siegfried Sassoon
3-The Historians' Perspective
See foot of page
late weather forecast for land areas