Crookhall Colliery Band Conductor, J. J. Stobbs
Forecast for land areas
and his Tipica Orchestra
A talk by the District Nurse
' Seeking and Finding'
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
by Jack Overhill
Jack Overhill 's youth was haunted by a fear. He tells how that fear might have been realised but for the kindness of a stranger whom he never had a chance to thank.
Joyce Barker (soprano)
Gethyn Wykeham-George (cello)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Records of some of Bax's music, including his Coronation March 1953
The King of Love my Shepherd is
(BBC H.B. 475)
New Every Morning, page 90 Psalm 121 (Broadcast Psalter) St. James 1, vv. 1-11
Jesus lives (BBC H.B. 106)
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
' The Borrowers' by Mary Norton
A three-part serial story adapted by Philippa Pearce
2 — ' The Borrowers are Seen '
Directed by Sidney Crooke
by Rosemary Harris
Read by Betty Hardy
3 — ' Laura and Sebastian '
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
11 — 'Stand and Deliver' with Ahthony Baird
Judy Bruce , Felix Felton
Louise Gainsborough
Jack Howarth , Myrtle Reed
Leonard Trolley , Norman Wynne
A section of the BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Felix Felton and Susan Ashman
Produced by Alfred Dunning
A play by Edna Hall Hollingworth
Adapted by Willis Hall and Produced by Peter Dews
- plays music by Mozart on gramophone records
for the Feast of the Assumption.
Sung by the Abbess and the nuns of Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester.
Introduction by Abbot Wulstan Knowles, O.s.B.
Deus in adjutorium: Gloria Patri
Psalms: 109, 112. 121, 126
Little Chapter from Ecclesiasticus 24, vv. 11 and 12
Hymn: Ave Maris Stella (Sarum Plainsong)
Benedicamus Domino
The music throughout is plainsong from the Antiphonale Monasticum
For Children of Most Ages
' The Singing Forest' by H. Mortimer Batten told by Derek McCulloch
1 — ' Dead or Alive?'
The rescued stag calf, Corrie of Corrie Rou in the Highlands, has become a member of the laird's family. He is the pet of Fiona and Alastaire, the laird's children, and the companion of Chang, the pekinese, and old Bongo, the golden labrador.
5.20 'The Atom Chasers'
A serial play in six parts by Angus MacVicar
1-' Amateur Detectives'
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Clifford Smith
3-' Sitting on the Crocodile'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Middlesex v. Kent
Further commentary by E. W . Swanton
From Lord's
(or ' The English Dictionary ')
A personal narrative with music
Chapter 3
Higher education-the first ten years -Mother Goose conquered !— an appeal — ' My boy, you can save Eton ' — ' I agree to go to Harrow '-on to University-I write ' Hamlet '-my little deception is discovered-I am sent down by the authorities-and sent up by Kitty Bluett , Miriam Karlin
Georgia Brown , David Jacobs
Certain songs are sung accompanied by Malcolm Lockyer and his Orchestra
My music is arranged by Malcolm Lockyer and my script by David Climie
I am produced by Roy Speer
Helen Watts (contralto)
Geraint Jones (organ)
Joan and Valerie Trimble
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Granville Jones )
Conducted by Basil Cameron
People who knew and worked with Keir Hardie , the first Labour Member of Parliament, recall his life and work and personality on the occasion of the centenary of his birth
Devised and edited by Archie P. Lee who writes on page 4
2-Distractions from the German Problem
See below
late weather forecast for land areas