Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A talk on John Woolman by Reginald Reynolds
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Food facts from port and mart to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Regional Variations (2)
Bore Da: rhaglen arall o recordiau amrywiol, yn cael eu cyflwyno gan Havard Gregory.
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, David Paget )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Interval music
Praise the Lord, y6 heavens adore him (S.P. 624, omitting v. 3; A. and M. 292: C.H. 35; P. and H. 222, omitting v. 3: Tune, Austrian Hymn)
Interlude- 'The Feeding of the Multitude '
Prayers; the Prayer for Happiness; the Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (S.P. 545; A. and M. 220; C.H. 388, omitting v. 2; P. and H. 204: Tune. Truro)
A programme for those interested in picking up some basic Italian Assisi
on gramophone records
Fortune Variations (Byrd)
Chorale Preludes: Vom Himmel hoch. da komm' ich her; In duici jubilo;
Lobt Gott. ihr Christen, allzugleich (Bach)
Prelude and Fugue in A minor (S.543)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Physical Training For Use In Classrooms.
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT ii, by Marjorie Eele
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
0 God, our help in ages past (BBC
H.B. 467)
New Every Morning, page 80 Psalm 11 St. Matthew 12, vv. 38-50
0 for a closer walk with God (BBC
H.B. 333)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. Evolution: 3-How Can We Explain Evolution? by G. P. Wells F.R.S , ., Professor of Zoology, University College, London.
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum from Lockerbie. R. H. U. Stevenson; J. A. Stodart; A. R. Wannop. Chairman, J. B. Douglas, C.B.E.
A radio correspondence column
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Jerry Allen and his Trio
Variety: Barry Took
Records: Julie Dawn
In Town Today:
Elsie and Doris Waters
Presented by Bill Worsley
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (3)
A la Carte: a lunch-time session with West-Country musicians -Ken Allen and his Orchestra.
Town Forum: Ceylon
Cyril Stapleton directs the BBC Show Band
Songs from the Stargazers and Guest singer, Virginia Somers
Individual music from
Harold Smart, Bert Weedon and Dennis Wilson
Produced by John Browell
Finding that the streets of , London are not paved with gold,
Johnny Morris tries to walk into an honest living-in somebody else's shoes
(The recorded broadcast of January 22, 1955, in the Light Programme)
TRAVEL TALKS. ' Farming on the Plain of Lombardy.' Script by Bridget Blundell.
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. Making Mosaics
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH i. 'Tom Sawyer' bv Mark Twain. Adapted for broadcasting by Michael Hyde. 3-' The Pirates '
Regional Variations (2)
Eileen Latimer (soprano); Will Robinson (baritone); James Galway (flute)
Burnett James introduces some gramophone records of highlights from traditional Spanish operettas
(Leader. Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Bronwen Jones (piano)
by Henry James
Part 3
Regional Variations (7)
As West.
Children's Hour. ' Junket and Cream.'* 'Gunpowder Tunnel': serial play in three episodes from the book by Bruce Carter. 2-' The Boy in the River.'
As West.
Children's Hour. Stories. 'The Hill of the Red Fox': play in six parts. 2-' The Friends of Black Alasdair.'
As West.
As West
For Children of Most Ages
'Coster Turn-Out'
Jimmy Duckworth 's own and true story written down by Peter Shaw Baker and told by Ernest Jay
5—' Pearly Banquet'
It was given by a Society lady down at Kensington, and listeners will agree it was a rare good one.
For Older Children
'Willikin of the Weald'
A romantic drama set in the days of Henry in devised and written in six episodes by Aubrey Feist 5
—' The Knight' of the Broken Shackle '
Produced by Eve Burgess
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. Friday Topic. Sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
Today's results and weekend preview including a special report by Max Robertson from Cortina on the Winter Olympic Games
Introduced by John Snagge
Regional Variations (5)
What Goes On
The Week in the West.
Ulster Mirror
Conductor, Reginald Foxwell
by J. G. Porter , Ph.D., F.R.A.S.
This month Dr. Porter talks about some of the interesting stars in the constellations Bootes and Corona Borealis.
Regional Variations (3)
James Young in 'Young's Way'; Variety.
Home Town Variety from Neath. with WSlliam Edwards: Billy Rowe; Trevor Owen; The Dollar Boys: Maudie Edwards. Introduced by Wyn Calvin.
Highlights of the Show World
Stars of the stage, screen, radio, and concert platform, with the augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Produced by John Simmonds
Regional Variations (6)
Choral Concert
As North
Deil's Wark': a light-hearted Doric fantasy by Angus Morrison. Music played by Andrew Cooper (violin). Strings of the BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Gerald Gentry
The Faith in the West: including an account by Alan Gibson on Evangelism and the popular song. and a discussion between E. W. Martin and the Rev. John Paget on the work of the Church.
The Northcountryman.
Edited by Maxwell Knight
Maxwell Knight
James Fisher
Peter Conder
Philip Le Masurier
R. Maxwell Savage
H. V. Thompson
Guy Mountfort
Produced by Brandon Acton-Bond
This first edition concentrates chiefly on events in 1955
played by the BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, John Sharpe )
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow -
Alma Cogan , June Whitfield and Wallas Eaton with The Keynotes
Regional Variations (5)
William Fellowes (piano)
Talk on the new VHF Service for Ulster
Scots Songs sung by Flora Blythman (contralto).
Feature: How Nice to Meet Mr. Coleridge. Script by Oliver Merchard Bishop.
Cello Sonata played by Eleanor Warren (cello)
Paul Hamburger (piano)
The fourth in a series of programmes of music by John Ireland
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: prayers.
A review of today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report