Munn and Felton's Works Band Conductor, Stanley H. Boddington
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Directed by Alec Firman
The Way to God in Christ's Parables
Bible reading and comment by Father Agnellus Andrew. O.F.M.
'Back home '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A midweek bulletin of food news
by Brian Capstick
At this time of year Victoria Station is often crowded around midday with healthy-looking people returning from winter sports.....
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Paul Revere 's Ride from Boston ' (1775). Script by Rhoda Power.
My God, I love thee (BBC H.B. 276 New Every Morning, page 93 Psalm 16 (Broadcast Psalter)
St. Matthew 13, vv. 24-30. and 36-43 For the beauty of the earth (BBC
H.B. 272)
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
Len Marten introduces records of some of the ' Tops ' in the world of entertainment
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Records by some popular bands from both sides of the Atlantic
Introduced by David Jacobs
LET'S JOIN IN. ' Hidden Treasure,' by Ruth Ainsworth : the story of how two children entertained, in secret. an unexpected guest
2.20 ADVENTURES in music. Jeux d'Enfants second of two talks by Walter Drabble on Bizet's suite
2.40 HISTORY 11. Oastler and Factory Reform. Script by Jo Manton
from Worcester Cathedral
Teach me thy way. 0 Lord (Fox)
Sentence, Exhortation. Confession.
The Lord's Prayer
Preces and Responses (Tomkins) Psalms 41, 42, and 43 First Lesson: Genesis 23
Magnificat (Tomkins, 1st Service)
Second Lesson; Romans 8, vv. 18-39 Nunc dimittis (Tomkins, 1st Service) Creed, Responses. Collects
Anthem: Teach me. 0 Lord (Byrd) Prayers and Grace
Organist and Master of the Choristers
David Willcocks
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
I-Who were the Britons?
Part 1
followed by late weather forecast for land areas