Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
A talk on John Woolman by Reginald Reynolds
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reginald Leopold and his Orchestra
Nancy Weir (piano)
Joan Clarke (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
by Alistair Cooke
HOW THINGS BEGAN. 3-Skilled Hunters of the Late Old Stone Age. Script by Rhoda Power.
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
(BBC H.B. 403)
New Every Morning, page 64 Psalm 112 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 12, vv. 1-8
0 God of earth and altar (BBC H.B.
The Bobby Howell Orchestra
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. The Engineer: Herbert Hunter interviews workers in a firm of mechanical engineers.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. ' La France en chansons.' Nos auditeurs feront connaissance avec un ' compagnon,' avec certains metiers de France aujourd'hui disparus en grande partie, et pourront entendre quelques chansons qui les accompagnaient. Texte de Jan Rosol
Regional Variations (2)
Songs and Piano Music: Connie Watkins (soprano); Patricia Clarke and Iris Burgess (two pianos).
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Radio: Douglas Maynard
Cabaret: Reg and Gloria Brent
Variety: Beryl Orde
Theatre: Karen Greer
In Town Today: Robb Wilton
Presented by Bill Worsley
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Diary: The Way Ahead. The leaders of the Young Farmers Clubs discuss future organisation and activities.
Emlyn Williams (in a recorded programme) discusses with Roy Plomley the gramophone records he would choose to have with him if he were condemned to spend the rest of his life on a desert island.
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru. Natur o'n Cwmpas. Cywion Gwyddau: Ymwelwyr a'r cywion gwyddau-pryfed ac adar.
FOR COUNTRY SCHOOLS. To Jerusalem for the Passover.' Script by Penelope Knox
2.0 THE music Box, by Gordon Reynolds
2.10 Orchestral Concerts
BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader. Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
John Burden (horn)
Introduced by Norman Hearn
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Scottish Heritage: Scott and the Border Ballads.
and his Novelty Sextet
PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' A Ride on an Alligator,' from ' Wanderings in South America,' by Charles Waterton
Regional Variations (2)
Week-End Away: At Barn-staple Bay. Frank Byers. Aubrey de Selincourt, Colin Maclnnes, and Georgie Henschel talk about places they saw and people they met. staying in Bideford last summer.* Interlude.
A monthly film magazine
The Sound-track: Antony Hopkins recalls scenes from films he has seen recently
The Filming of Art: Colin Maclnnes comments on the vogue for films of works of art with special reference to the Academy Cinema's new morning programme, ' Picasso and Modern Art '
Producer-Director: Gordon Gow talks about Otto Preminger , producer-director of ' Carmen Jones ' and ' The Man with th.e Golden Arm '
The third of a series of readings from the works of George Bourne
Selected and read by Bernard Miles
Bourne records, in Bettesworth's own words, the old countryman's views on such differing subjects as Right and Wrong, village nicknames, and a good way to cure a toothache: ' I've put baccer in my teeth-I've even gone so fur's to put it in my ears. Roll it up tight an' soak it in rum and poke it into yer ear'ole, the side where the ache is. 'T stops the pain for a bit, but it very soon makes yer head begin to jump.'
(Leader. J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by Gerald Gentry
Regional Variations (3)
Children: Thrills For a Living.'
Children: Serial story.' ' Finn the Red': serial play—4
For Children of All Ages
' Winnie-the-Pooh ' by A. A. Milne
Adapted by David Davis with music by H. Fraser-Simson
5—' Eeyore has a Birthday '
At the piano. Gwenn Knight
Production by Josephine Plummer
Eeyore, the old grey Donkey, stood by the side of the stream, and looked at himself in the water. Then he turned and walked slowly down the stream for twenty yards, splashed across it, and walked slowly back on the other side. Then he looked at himself in the water again. Pathetic,' he said. ' That's what it is. Pathetic. No better from this side. But nobody minds. Nobody cares. Pathetic, that's what it is.'
5.30 For Children of Most Ages
Write Me a Letter
The Children's Hour correspondence column of the air
Edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
5.50 The week's programmes
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. Tonight's Talk.
Richard Scott comments on events abroad and our relations with other countries
Regional Variations (5)
International Staff Band of the Salvation Army, conductor. Major Bernard Adams.
Sports News.
At No. 5 ': another visit to the Wilson family;
with stars and music of the past and present from home and abroad
Regional Variations (3)
Speke of the Nile: a programme about the career and achievements of John Hanning Speke, discoverer of the source of the Nile. Written and edited by Colin Maclnnes. With John Humphry as John Hanning Speke.
Alex McAvoy and Mary Riggans in 'Jim and Mary': a storv of a young married couple by Kenneth Littler. 24—' Keep Fit.'
You too can be a detective
Devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
Listeners are invited to join with a panel of experts in testing their powers of crime detection
' Bad Business at the Box-office'
Written by Edward J. Mason
Panel of Experts:
John Arlott , F. R. Buckley
Robert Fabian
Produced by Tony Shryane in the BBC's Midland studios
Regional Variations (2)
Learning Welsh: 17-Y Meddyg (The Doctor). The lesson is based on the dialogue and exercises on page 21 of the pamphlet.
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Vilem Tausky
Endre Wolf (violin)
Before an invited audience in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester
again by Max Wall
Charlie Chester
Carole Carr
Geraldo and his Orchestra
Written by Bob Monkhouse and Denis Goodwin
Production by John Hooper
Presentation of new colours to the 2nd Bn. Nigeria Regiment
(The recorded broadcast of January 10, 1954, in the Third Programme)
late weather forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Ere I Sleep: the Word of God and Prayers at the close of day.
A review of today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report