A reading for Bible Sunday on Inspiration ' from the Bishop of London's book
'The Authority of the Scriptures
Reader, Garard Green
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Concert Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Mackerras
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by J. B. Dalby
From St. Machar's Cathedral,
The first of six readings from collections of English letters
I-From Age to Age
Some letters between people of different generations
Read by T. St. John Barry and Marjorie Westbury
Narrator, Martin Starkie
Conducted by John Summerson
Radio: Peter de Francia
Book: C. V. Wedgwood
Art: Basil Taylor
Film: Dilys Powell
Theatre: Richard Findlater
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A magazine programme edited and introduced by James Fisher
The Fulmar
This edition is devoted to a discussion about one species of bird, one in which James Fisher has a special interest.
Kenneth Williamson , Director of the Fair Isle Bird Observatory, and R. M. Lockley , who have both studied different aspects of the fulmar's life, join in the discussion.
Produced by Brandon Acton-Bond
Philip Toynbee
Thomas Mann died this year at Zurich at the age of eighty. Philip Toynbee talks about his last book, ' Confessions of Felix Krull , which has recently been translated, and other novels by the great German writer.
Carleton Hobbs , Anthony Jacobs
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Toralf Tollefsen (accordion)
by John Galsworthy
Adapted as a serial in twelve parts by Muriel Levy
Part 7
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Production by Hugh Stewart
Irene pays a visit to Jolyon, who .is struck with her sad situation. After seeing Irene home, Jolyon meets Soames, who expresses his fantastic intention of pressing Irene to return to him, even though he is, at the same time, pursuing Annette Lamotte.
Val Dartie and Jolly Forsyte meet at
Oxford, and despite Jolly's dislike of his cousin, he invites Val to dine with his father and sister Holly.
Jolyon is disturbed by a letter from
Irene saying that Soames has again called and she intends leaving the country. Jolyon thinks of going to see her. Meanwhile Soames takes Irene a beautiful jewel in a final desperate effort at reconciliation, but is violently repulsed.
The story of a great partnership in six episodes by Leslie Baily
1—' The First Meeting '
Other parts played by: Betty Hardy , Harry Lockwood West
Robert Rietty , Margaret Anderson
Nicky Edmett , Harold Ayer
Ian Sadler , Paul Roberts
Narrator, Hugh Burden
The songs from the operas sung by: Marjorie Shires , Thomas Round
Roderick Jones , Sheila Rex
Edmund Donlevy , Gilbert Wright
Organist, Charles Smart Pianist, Alan Richardson
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
BBC Concert Orchestra (Leader, John Sharpe )
Conductor, Charles Mackerras Production by Vernon Harris
by Donald Boyd
1-Après la Guerre
In the first of a new group of talks Donald Boyd speaks of the 1914-18 war, of some of the men with whom he served, and of what he believes to have been a lack of understanding between fighting men and civilians.
' The Word of God'
Psalm 119, part 5 (Broadcast Psalter) Isaiah 54, v. 11, to 55, v. 11
0 Word of God incarnate (BBC H.B.
St. John 6, vv. 67 and 68
followed by late weather forecast for land areas