George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Michael Collins
' The Word became Flesh '
Talk by Robert Crossett
' The Troubling of Herod '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
Karen Morny (piano)
Jean Carpenter (soprano)
Frederick Stone (piano)
The story of a respectable man by Theodore Hoste
Mr. Hoste tells the story of a man he met in prison; who had come there through a history of misfortune and although he was able to protest, apparently with some justice, that he had always been respectable.'
music AND MOVEMENT i, by Marjorie Eele
0 come. 0 come, Immanuel (BBC
H.B. 36)
New Every Morning, page 83
Psalm 119, part 6 (Broadcast Psalter) Revelation 7. vv. 1-4 and 9-17 Be thou my Vision (BBC H.B. 316)
Harold Collins and his Orchestra
Choir of Wimbledon High School
Trained and conducted by Gladys Jones
Programme introduced by Gladys Whitred
11.20 geocraphy. The British Isles. Summing Up. Script by Michael Wise , ph.D.
11.40 intermediate GERMAN. Kellers kaufen Wpihnachtsgeschenke. Eine ungemutliche Adventsfeier-fast geht alles schief mit den Kellerschen Weihnachtsgeschenken-Onkel Dietrich als rettender Engel. Manuskript von Marianne Leibholz.
Listeners' requests introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from a canteen in Pendlebury, near Manchester
with The Kordites, George Martin, Edna Savage, Freddie Sales
The Jimmy Leach Organ Trio
Introduced by Randal Herley
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Diane Dubarry
Introduced by Frederick Allen
Master of Ceremonies, Jack Crossley
Producer. Stanton Jefferies
ADVENTURES IN ENGLISH. ' A Christmas Carol ': a serial story from the book by Charles Dickens. Adapted by Sam Langdon. 3-' Christmas Yet to Come '
2.20 HISTORY i. Tudor People. 12-Dramatist: Will Shakepeare. Script by John Allen
2.40 SCIENCE AND THE community. Transport. 6-Air Transport Today and Tomorrow. Script by Ivor Jones
by N. C. Hunter
Adapted for broadcasting by Mollie Greenhalgh
Production by Val Gielgud
For Children of All Ages
'The Missing Christmas Parcel'
A special Goon show with Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan
assisted by John Snagge
Neddie Seagoon endeavours to illustrate, with the aid of a smoked-glass ear-trumpet, exactly what happens to Christmas parcels which are posted too late to arrive before Christmas.
Be warned by the ghastly series of misfortunes and Post Early for Christmas
Script by Eric Sykes
Devised and produced by Peter Eton and John Lane
5.15 For Children of Most Ages
Stories from the Opera
'The Bartered Bride'
A comic opera by Bedrich Smetana
Storyteller, David Franklin
Villagers, strolling players, children sung by the BBC Midland Chorus
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, Ernest Element)
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Produced by David Franklin
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
by Alistair Cooke
A series of domestic episodes by Sid Colin , Talbot Rothwell and George Wadmore
9-' How to be very, very unpopular '
The Peter Akister Players
Produced by Roy Speer
followed by late weather forecast for land areas