A reading from Thomas a Kempis's
' The Imitation of Christ '
Translated by Leo Sherley-Price
Read by Arthur Bush
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Regional Variations (2)
Programme Parade
by Douglas Hopkins
From Canterbury Cathedral
Regional Variations (6)
As North
Service from Grange Congregational Church, Sunderland.
Service from the Parish Church of Stoke-on-Trent: the Veil Percy Hartill, Archdeacon of Stoke-on-Trent.
Service from St. Peter's Church, Tiverton, Devon: Canon R. C. Worsley. Preacher, the Ven. W. A. E. Westall, Archdeacon of Exeter.
Service from Martyr's Church. St. Andrews: the Rev. J. G. Thornton. Preacher, the Rev. Professor Donald Baillie, D.D.
His decisions and theirs
Services for Lent
Morning Service from AU Souls, Langham Place, London, conducted by the Rector, the Rev.J. R. W Stott ' He endured the Cross '-Alone
My song is love unknown (A. and M.
Rev. 102)
Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses Psalm 22, vv. 1-19
Lesson: St. John 12, vv. 20-33
Te Deum
Creed and Collects
There is a green hill (A. and M. Rev.
Jesus meek and lowlv (A. and M.
Rev. 213)
When I survey (A. and M. Rev. 108)
Organist, James Lockhart
Regional Variations (2)
For Farmers.
A series of six talks
2-Saladin by Steven Runciman -
If mention of the Crusades calls to mind the Seven Champions of Christendom, what about the champions of Islam? Mr. Runciman introduces the most famous of them, Saiadin, as ' someone whom in modern speech we would call a gentleman.'
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
' Schubert's Early Symphonies,' by Mosco Carner
' The Passion Oratorio,' by Frank Howes
Regional Variations (2)
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Erich Kteiber and Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt. Gluck (records).
According to St. Matthew
Part 1
(violin) on gramophone records
Le Syndicat d'Initiative
A programme for those interested in brushing up their French
Script by Emile Harven and M. J. MacDonald
Peter and Helen Lamb are spending some days in La Conche, a small Mediterranean port. They go to the Syndicat d'Initiative to get information about the sights of the town an accommodation.
Le plan de la ville, street-map; presenter, to introduce; la tour romaine, the Roman tower; a vaut la peine, it's worth it; louer des chambres, to let rooms; un hôtel meuble, hotel providing lodging but not board; a bon marche, cheap; s'exprimer, to express oneself; mes amis vous sont tres reconnaissants, my friends are very grateful to you; combien est-ce que je vous dois? how much do I owe you?; une chambre qui donne sur le port, a room overlooking the harbour; a part cela, apart from that; grâce a vous, thanks to you.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Last Thursday Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh completed their visit to Australia and are now on their way to Ceylon in the Gothic
This programme gives a report on the Royal departure from Fremantle and looks back through the eyes of Wynford Vaughan Thomas Audrey Russell , and Godfrey Talbot at some of the places visited and some of the happenings during the Tour in Australia
A General Number from the Midlands
Introduced by Phil Drabble with music arranged by Francis Collinson and played by the Albert Webb Quintet
Singer, Robert Irwin
Produced by Philip Donnellan
Regional Variations (6)
The West at Westminster.
The Scottish Garden.
Out in the Garden.
As North
Gardeners', Question Time.
A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
F. W. Allerton discusses chrysanthemums for garden display
Joe Brayshaw puts the amateur point of view.
Fred Streeter outlines the week's work
According to St. Matthew
Part 2
Ernest Bradbury writes on page 6
Regional Variations (2)
The Best of the Films.
Arthur Oalder-Marshall
This week he talks about ' The Face of Violence,' by Bronowski, The Age of Suspicion,' by James A. Wechsler , and ' Fahrenheit 451,' by Ray Bradbury.
' Men of the Promise '
A third series of Bible plays retelling the story of the Old Testament written and produced by J. Stanley Pritchard
4—' The Royal Law'
5.25 The Pilgrim Way
A children's service from Park
End Presbyterian Church, Cardiff; conducted by the Rev. Geraint Nanitlais Williams
There is a green hill (C.H. 105) Reading: St. Luke 9. vv. 57-62 The King of Love (C.H. 438)
Reading: Hebrews 11, vv. 1-10
The world looks very beautiful (C.H.
The Lord's Prayer Sermon
Who would true valour see (C.H.
Organist, Margaret Jones
The Sunday School Choir
Conducted by Gwyweth Jones
Regional Variations (2)
Money Matters. Talk by James Duff, O.B.E., Chairman of the Ulster Savings Committee.
Preparing the Budget
Gordon Cummings describes the steps by which the Budget is gradually assembled during the fiscal year
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (2)
Modern. Scottish Composers: Cediric Thorpe Davie.
Talk by Pierre Emmanuel
The speaker, who was head of the English Service in the Rauiodiffusion et Tiievision Franchises, Is known in France more particularly through his essays and as a poet. He describes the original conception of the mission of the Worker Priests, the life t'hey led, and, arising out of This, the issues that underlay the Church's decision to change their status-a decision that has caused widespread discussion in France.
Regional Variations (2)
Use Wolf (soprano): Francis LorinK (baritone). Schubert songs, introduced by Sir Steuart Wilson.
Nancy Thomas (contralto)
Thomas Round (tenor)
Norman Wooland (reader)
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, John Sharpe )
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Verse selected by Aubrey Danvers-Walker
Produced bv Stanton Jefferies and Walter Todds
Regional Variations (2)
The Countryside: magazine.
played by Helen Pyke and Maurice Cole
Regional Variations (5)
Evensong from St. Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow: Preacher, the Rt. Rev. F. H. Monrreiff, Scottish Episcopal Bishop of Glasgow.
Service from Elnwood Preebyterian Church, Belfast
Service in connection with the Cardiff Central Y.M.C.A., from the Temple of Ppace, Cardiff.
Service from St. Saviour's Church, Oxton. Birkenhead.
A Service for Passion Sunday from Darlington Street Methodist Church, Wolverhampton, conducted by the Rev. Leslie Davison, Chairman of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District of the Methodist Church
Opening devotions led by the Rev Howard A.G. Belben, Superintendent Minister of the Darlington Street Circuit
See, Jesu, thy disciples see (M.H.B. 719)
Lesson: Letter to Philippi, Chapter 2 (from the translation by J.B. Phillips)
Never further than thy Cross (M.H B. 138)
Address: 'The Place of Sacrifice'
When my love to Christ grows weak (M.H.B. 178)
Address: 'God's Use of Sacrifice'
We sing the praise of him who died (M.H.B. 196)
Regional Variations (7)
Appeal: Sailors' Children's Society, by Bernard Robins, F.C.A.
Appeal : Swansea and Brecon Diocesan. Moral Welfare Association, by the Rt. Rev. Glyn Simon, D.D., Bishop of Swansea and Brecon.
Appeal: Parish Church of North Tamewou, Cornwall
Appeal: Wayfarers' Benevolent Association, by Capt. G. F. Bennett, M.B.E
Appeal: Scottish Association for the Adoption of Children, by Wilson Barrett
Appeal: Midland Regional Association for the Deaf, by the Rt. Hon. Philip Noel-Baker, M.P.
Appeal on behalf of the Hungerford Hostel by the Rev. Donald 0. Soper, Ph.D., President of the Methodist Conference
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Hungerford Hostel, situated in the Lambeth area of London, has now entered ita fourteenth year of caring for both men and women who have sought refuge there because they are lonely or unwanted, feeble or disp:Ti-tcd, or because circumstances have driven them almost to despair. Many of fhem cannot fit into the normal set-up of life. At the Hungerford an opportunity, is given, first of all to find security; then gradually, with friendly care and understanding, many are rehabilitated and able again to take up the norma] thread's of life. Tho,e who stay at the Hungerford pay what th<y can afford, and in some cases help is given by the National Assistance Board, but there remains approximately £ 3,500 a year to be raised from voluntary sources.
Regional Variations (2)
Gwr Pen y Bryn '—a. Welsh serial play from the novel by E. Tegle Davies.
by George Eliot
Dramatised as a serial in twelve parts by Howard Agg
Produced by Wilfrid Grantham
5-' Cold Counsel'
Cast in order of speaking:
Music arranged and conducted by Mark Lubbock
Tom has now had his first meeting with his fellow pupil, Philip Wakem , the lawyer's son. Philip, a little older than Tom, suffers from a slight deformity due to an accident in childhood. He isa sensitive, cultured lad; but, while Tom is ready to be friendly, he cannot forget that Philip's father has got the better of Mr. Tulliver in kgal disputes. Magg:e however welcomes Philip as a friend.
Meanwhile Lawyer Gore warns Tulliver that he may lose his case against Pivart and Wakem Gore is right and Tulliver loses. On his way home from court he is taken ill, falls from his horse and is carried home unconscious. Tom forbids Maggie ever to speak to Philip again.
A progress report on the fifth. anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Lord Ismay,
P.C., G.C.B., C.H., D.S.O., D.L.
Secretary-General, NATO and Vice-Chaiirtman,
North Atlantic Council
Mr. Halivard M. Lange
Norwegian Foreign Minuster
General Alfred M. Gruenther
U.S. Army
Supreme Allied Conmarder, Europe
General Lauris Nor&tad
Air Deputy to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Reporters :
Matthew Halton : The supply lines of the North Atlantic Allies-from the Atlantic coast to a Canadian Fighter Station in Germany
Rene Cutforth: The Norwegian Front and the Northern Command (Oslo)
Maurice Brown : Allied Minesweepers in the North Sea (Channel Command) Alan Burgess : Wi.th the Allied Second Tactical Air Force and the 1st U.S. Infantry Division in Germany
Euan Butler: French and German attitudes to the European Defence Community and the rearmament of Western Germany
David Woodward : The Allied Navies in the Mediterranean
General Editor, David Woodward
Narrator, Edward. Ward
Producer, Laurence Gilliam
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh hymn-singing.
Variations on an Original Theme
(Enigma) played by the BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Basil Cameron
' The Way of the Cross '
Deus Altissimus (from the Prayer of Manassee)
Colossians 1, vv 9-23
The royal banners forward go (BBC
Hymn Book 91)
1 Corinthians 1, vv. 23-25