A progress report on the fifth. anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Lord Ismay,
P.C., G.C.B., C.H., D.S.O., D.L.
Secretary-General, NATO and Vice-Chaiirtman,
North Atlantic Council
Mr. Halivard M. Lange
Norwegian Foreign Minuster
General Alfred M. Gruenther
U.S. Army
Supreme Allied Conmarder, Europe
General Lauris Nor&tad
Air Deputy to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Reporters :
Matthew Halton : The supply lines of the North Atlantic Allies-from the Atlantic coast to a Canadian Fighter Station in Germany
Rene Cutforth: The Norwegian Front and the Northern Command (Oslo)
Maurice Brown : Allied Minesweepers in the North Sea (Channel Command) Alan Burgess : Wi.th the Allied Second Tactical Air Force and the 1st U.S. Infantry Division in Germany
Euan Butler: French and German attitudes to the European Defence Community and the rearmament of Western Germany
David Woodward : The Allied Navies in the Mediterranean
General Editor, David Woodward
Narrator, Edward. Ward
Producer, Laurence Gilliam