Introduced by Sir Stephen Tallents.
This week from the West and North of England.
Here Comes the Circus
In the full tradition of English country life one of the tenting shows, which travels the length and breadth of the British Isles. celebrates its arrival in Gloucester in the time-honoured way with a Grand Parade through the city.
Television cameras join the crowds who line the streets to welcome Chipperfield's Circus and to follow the Parade to the Big Top and the Menagerie.
Harlow Car Gardens
Philip Robinson visits the gardens of the Northern Horticultural Society at Harrogate. Fred Loads demonstrates the pruning of roses and Roland Smith looks at the heather garden and the spring flowers.
Homes on Wheels
A second visit to Oxley's Ground, Gloucester, for some informal glimpses of circus life as the animals and artists settle down 'on the tober' for their week's stay.