From the Oval.
(to 13.15)
A film review of recent research and discovery in science and industry.
Outside broadcast cameras visit St. Andrew's Hall, Glasgow, to see some of the bouts in this year's Scottish Amateur Boxing Association Championships.
Vera McKechnie introduces Your Monday Magazine.
Here and There with Commander Sir Stephen King-Hall
Do It Yourself with Barry Bucknell
See Junior Radio Times
Growing Things with Percy Thrower
Steve Benbow's Guest Spot
Would You Believe It? with Bill Hooper
Jacques Tati in a scene from the film 'My Uncle'
Kenneth Horne looks inside some of the houses and meets: Beatrix Lehmann, Paul Hyslop, Francis and Patricia Mason, Peggy Carter, Madeleine Pearson, Frank Smith, Jack Bennett.
Patrick Moore talks about double stars.
A regular monthly series
(See page 4)
A new film comedy series starring Wally Cox.
The Invincible Hiram foils the plot at an international gang to seize some important documents on board ship and proves that an umbrella can be very useful in a tight corner.
(Friday's edition repeated)
Denis Forman, Director of the British Film Institute, introduces excerpts from some of the outstanding films from many parts of the world which are being shown at this year's Festival.
Venez avec (Come with) M'sieur Guillaume Cotton (our own Billy Cotton) a La Nouvelle Eve (to one of the brightest night-spots in Montmartre)
Eurovision takes you to Paris for a gay Bank Holiday show starring:
Robert Lamouret with Tonia Bern, Murio and Sheila, Lilian Kenny, Les Nouvelles Eves Sisters and the Charley Ballet with Aleta Morrison
Introduced by Le Grand Wakey-Wakey (our own Billy Cotton).
Presented in collaboration with Radiodiffusion-Television Francais
See page 5
(Previously televised on Wednesday and Thursday)
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson, Trevor Philpott, Kenneth Allsop, Macdonald Hastings, Christopher Brasher, Julian Pettifer, Brian Redhead and Robin Hall, Jimmie Macgregor.
(On transmitters serving the areas)
News from Wales: 6.15-6.20
A news magazine for South-East England followed by The Weather.
Local News and Weather
(Rowridge, Brighton, Manningtree)
A fortnightly magazine for the under-twenty-ones.
Your host, Benny Lee
Assisted by Jean Aubrey and Members of the Club
Guests: Lita Roza, Valentine Dyall, Peter Glover, Denise Hirst
Modern music by the Teleclub All-Stars under the direction of Steve Race.
Freddy Clayton (trumpet), Don Rendell (tenor), Martin Slavin (vibraphone), Bill Eyden (drums), Vic Ash (clarinet), Harry Klein (baritone), Joe Muddel (bass), Steve Race (piano)
Part of this evening's session in the News of the World £1,500 Professional Snooker Tournament.
From Leicester Square Hall
(sound only)
(to 10.15)
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Michael Aspel.
followed by The Weather