From Stanley Park, Blackpool.
A visit to the Empire Stadium, Wembley, to see the second half of today's Amateur Cup Final.
3.55 Second half
4.40 End of match
4.45 Presentation of Cup and Medals by Sir Noel Vansittart Bowater, M.C., Lord Mayor of London
(to 16.50 app.)
A mixed bag of entertainment.
Introduced by John Hewer.
Assisted by Bill Hitchcock
The Appleyards: Part 1
A new series.
Allan Cooper writes on page 21
(to 18.00)
Interesting people who are In Town Tonight interviewed by John Ellison.
(Simultaneous broadcast with the Home Service)
A series of films for television made in post-war Europe.
with Jean Pierre-Aumont and Cathy O'Donnell.
Your table is reserved at Cafe Continental
The Gay International Cabaret with Maitre d'Hotel Pere Auguste at your service.
L'Orchestre Pigalle Conducted by Sydney Jerome
A visit to the Empire Pool, Wembley, to see play in the finals of the men's team and women's team competitions.
Armand and Michaela Denis introduce some more scenes from their films of wildlife.
(sound only)