Programme Index

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Regional Variations (2)

Service from Ellesmere College. Shropshire: Preacher, the Rev. C. Skene Catling.

BBC Home Service Midland

The Apostles' Creed Credo 3 (Plainsong)
Prayer of adoration, thanksgiving, and trust
Jesu grant me this, I pray (N.W.H.
90; A. and M. 182)
Prayer of petition and consecration Blessing
My God, accept my heart this day
(N.W.H. 215; A. and M. 349)
Singers: St. Francis' Choir.
Gorton, Manchester
Next Sunday: God's word to tts, and our prayer to God


William O'Leary

Overture, La flnta Giardiniera
(Mozart): Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Bruno Walter
Piano Concerto in A minor (Grieg):
Michelangeli (piano) with the Orchestra of La Scala, Milan, conducted by Alceo Galliera
Theme and Variations (Suite No. 3, in G) (Tchaikovsky): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Nicolai Maiko on gramophone records


Alceo Galliera
Conducted By:
Nicolai Maiko

A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Alec Robertson
'Charles Dibdin (born March 4, 1745),' by Mark Lubbock
' Listening to Music ': final discussion by Geraldine Peppin and James Gibb
' Music Fifty Years Ago,' by Boyd Neel


Edited By:
Anna Instone
Introduced By:
Alec Robertson
Charles Dibdin
Mark Lubbock
Geraldine Peppin
James Gibb
Boyd Neel

Regional Variations (2)

' In Your Garden,' by William Nelmes.

BBC Home Service Welsh

A programme of practical and scientific interest to gardeners and stock-keepers
Introduced by Roy Hay
C. H. Cadman of University College, Dundee, talks about Lloyd George raspberries and why they have been reintroduced
David Sanders discusses orchid growing for the amateur gardener
Fred Streeter gives some advice on the week's work in the garden
Oliver Mee of Wilmslow Park, near Manchester, talks about the manuring of roses and counter measures against black spot


Introduced By:
Roy Hay
Introduced By:
C. H. Cadman
Lloyd George
David Sanders
Fred Streeter
Oliver Mee

with Edward Chapman ,
Belle Chrystall and Lydia Sherwood
A new serial play for broadcasting. in three instalments
Adapted from Jane Austen 's novel by H. Oldfield Box
Episode 1
Cast in order of speaking:
Pianist. Cicely Hoye
Production by Mary Hope Allen


Edward Chapman
Belle Chrystall
Lydia Sherwood
Jane Austen
Novel By:
H. Oldfield Box
Cicely Hoye
Production By:
Mary Hope Allen
narrator Jane Austen:
Lydia Sherwood
Sir Walter Elliot, Bt:
Laidman Browne
Anne Elliot, his second daughter:
Dulcie Gray
Lady Russell, a family friend:
Gwyndolyn Stewart
Captain Frederick Wentworth:
Michael Denison
Elizabeth EMiot Sir Walter's eldest daughter:
Grizelda Hervey
Mr Shepherd, Sir Walter's agent and attorney:
H. G. Stoker
Mary Musgrove, Sir Walter's youngest daughter:
Belle Chrystall
Mrs Musgrove:
Susan Richards
Charles Musgrove:
Andrew Faulds
Louisa Musgrove:
Denise Eryer
Henrietta Musgrove:
Sylvia Read
Admiral Croft:
Edward Chapman
Mrs Croft:
Olwen Brookes

Regional Variations (3)

Music to Shakespeare

BBC Home Service West

BBC Welsh Chorus: Anthony Lewis (organ).

BBC Home Service Welsh

' The Swan Lake ' by Tchaikovsky
The story adapted by Ursula Roseveare and told by Bruce Belfrage with the BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter


Adapted By:
Ursula Roseveare
Told By:
Bruce Belfrage
Frank Thomas
Gilbert Vinter

' The Four Sons': a story for young listeners by Laurence Greenwood , told by Elizabeth followed by ' The Man with the Lantern ' by Geoffrey Dearmer
The true story of Dr. Bamardo, based on the book ' Barnardo of Stepney' by A. E. Williams
Production by May E. Jenkin
From a start of twenty-seven farthings, which a poor servant girl gave him, Dr. Barnardo raised the sum of three and a quarter million pounds, and with it rescued, after forty years' work in London, sixty thousand destitute children. In the long history of social service no man fought a better fight, or iought with more unflagging zeal and courage a problem of more desperate urgency.


Laurence Greenwood
Geoffrey Dearmer
A. E. Williams
Production By:
May E. Jenkin
Wilfrid Walter
First student:
Preston Lockwood
Second student:
Basil Jones
Lord Shaftesbury:
Edgar Norfolk
Dr Barnardo:
Carleton Hobbs
Jim Jarvis:
Colin Campbell
Frank Cochrane
Stanley Groome
Coffee-house owner:
Ernest Sefton
Gladys Spencer
Mrs Barnardo:
Ann Codrington
Wilfred Downing
Cockney boy:
Bill Croydon

Regional Variations (2)

Andrew Downie (tenor); Ann-Warden (violin); Harold Thomson (piano).

BBC Home Service Scottish

Moiseiwitsch (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite

Moiseiwitsch, the soloist tonight, also played Rachmaninov's Second Piano Concerto at the Henry Wood Birthday Promenade Concert last night. He is a particularly sympathetic and authoritative interpreter, since he was a friend of the composer, The Concerto, with its ardent melodies and sonorous piano-writing has attained a high degree of popularity. Rachmaninov was in his late twenties when he wrote it, and behind its dedication * To Monsieur N. Dahl there lies an interesting story.

For nearly two years Rachmaninov had suffered from apathy and want of confidence in himself, and at last his friends persuaded him to visit a Dr. Dahl, who was winning a reputation in Moscow at that time for his psychological cures achieved by suggestion The treatment was successful; Rachmaninov began to compose again and ideas flowed easily. Out of gratitude he dedicated his Second Concerto to Dahl.Â

(Harold Rutland)


Benno Moiseiwitsch
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Paul Beard
Warwick Braithwaice

Regional Variations (6)

Choral Evensong from Walsall Parish Church, Staffordshire.

BBC Home Service Midland

Service from St. Columb Minor Parish Church, Newquay

BBC Home Service West

Service conducted by a Missionary recently returned from Communist China.

BBC Home Service Scottish

Service from Dundrum Methodist Church, Co. Down: The Rev. A. B. Gibson

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Service conducted by the Rev. Canon H. G. G. Herklots.

BBC Home Service North

from St. Leonard's Church, Hythe. Conducted by the clergy )f the parish. Sermon by the vicar, the Rev. E. A. Newman, Six-Preacher in Canterbury Cathedral
Confession and Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalm 40. vv. 1-10
First Lesson : Isaiah 55, vv. 6-13 Magnificat,
(Continued in next column)
Second Lesson: John 15. vv. 1-8 Nunc dimittis
Creed and Collects
The God of love mv Shepherd is
Immortal love for ever full (E.H. 408) Blessing
Organist and Choirmaster.
Frederick Skinner


Frederick Skinner

Regional Variations (7)

Appeal: Discharged Prisoners' Aid Society, Belfast. by Councillor S. R. Bell

BBC Home Service Northern Ireland

Appeal: Bristol and Bath Marriage and Family Guidance Councils

BBC Home Service West

Appeal: St. Agatha's Hostel for mothers and babies by Wilfred Garlick.

BBC Home Service North

Appeal : Cardift South Wales and Monmouthshire Federation of Sisterhoods. Eventide Home, Penarth, by the President, Doris Povey.

BBC Home Service Welsh

Appeal: Derby Family Welfare Association, by the Rev. Father S. J Nolan.

BBC Home Service Midland

Appeal: Benevolent Fund for Nurses in Scotland, by Noele Gordon.

BBC Home Service Scottish

Appeal on behalf of St. Agnes Home for Children, Thames Ditton , by Sheila Sim
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The St. Agnes Home for Children was established some thirty-five years ago to care for homeless children of all ages. It is run by a small band of Sisters of the Church of England, funds being provided by voluntary subscription and without any assistance from the State.
At the present time there are thirty children of all ages who are provided with a home in the real meaning of the word. The financial position has, however, become extremely difficult, due largely to the increased cost of living without a corresponding increase in donations.


Thames Ditton
Sheila Sim

A story of a man of character by Thomas Hardy
Dramatised for broadcasting by Desmond Hawkins
Music composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams
' The Skimmity Ride'
Other parts played by Richard George , Doris Nichols, Ethel Coleridge, Harry Cayer Victor Fawkes, Arnold Tottle, Jean Howell and Millie Baywtun.
Produced by Owen Reed in the BBC's West of England studios (Nigel Stock is appearing in ' Seagulls Over Sorrento ' at the Apollo Theatre, London)
The final overthrow of Michael Henchard seems to be complete with the bankruptcy of his business and the loss of Lucetta; his rivalry with Donald Farfrae has led to crushing defeat. Farfrae's triumphs have now established him as the new Mayor of Casterbridge, the wealthy purchaser of Henchard's house and business, and the envied husband of Lucetta and against the Scotsman's comprehensive successes only one weapon remains for Henchard to use: he still has the letters that Lucetta wrote to him during their past intimacy.
Despising so cowardly a revenge, Henchard tries to return the letters to Lucetta and thus put a dignified and peaceful ending to this unhappy story. However, Jopp the bearer of the parcel whom Henchard had previously sacked examines the contents and reads some of the letters to his cronies at a disreputable beer-house in Mixon Lane. Among this evil company a plan is quickly developed for a 'skimmity ride ' - a traditional lewd procession through the town which will proclaim and burlesque the scandal of Lucetta's past association with Henchard. And it is this unexpected event of the ' skimmity ride ' that marks the climax of the whole story.


Thomas Hardy
Broadcasting By:
Desmond Hawkins
Composed By:
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Played By:
Richard George
Played By:
Doris Nichols
Harry Cayer
Victor Fawkes.
Arnold Tottle
Jean Howell
Millie Baywtun
Produced By:
Owen Reed
Barbara Jefford
Lucetta Templeman:
Pauline Letts
Ruby Luscombe
Michael Henchard:
Hedley Goodall
Donald Farfrae:
Nigel Stock
Francis Lunt

Regional Variations (2)

Welsh feature: ' Gwilym Maries.

BBC Home Service Welsh

The story of the escape from Stalag Luft III in March 1944 of seventy-six officers of the Allied Air Forces, its success and its tragic sequel.
Adapted by Felix Felton from Paul Brickhill's book 'The Great Escape'


From the book by:
Paul Brickhill
Adapted by:
Felix Felton
David Porter

BBC Home Service Basic

About BBC Home Service

BBC Home Service is a radio channel that started transmitting on the 1st September 1939 and ended on the 29th September 1967.

Appears in

About this data

This data is drawn from the Radio Times magazine between 1923 and 2009. It shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was subject to change and may not be accurate. More