Anton and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
' Who would true valour see '
A series of six talks by the Rev. J. Stanley Pritchard based on John Bunyan 's hymn
2—' His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Muriel Burnett (soprano)
Gwendolen Mason (harp)
Ride on. ride on, in. majesty (A. and M. 99; S.P. 137; C.H. 92: Tune. Winchester New)
Interlude: 'The Arrest in the Garden '
Prayer: the Prayer of St. Richard; the Lord's Prayer
Be thou my guardian and my guide
(A. and M. 282; S.P. 100: Tune. Abridge)
News commentary
Fredric Cooper and his Tipica Orchestra
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
11.20 HISTORY I. ' Marston Moor ': an account of the events leading up to the battle. Script by Hugh Ross WiHiamson
A record programme presented by Andrew Timothy
from a canteen in Stoke-on-Trent
with the Keynotes
Olive Siddons and Kenneth Cooke
The Sherry Brothers
Jack Hill at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
from Lincoln Cathedral
Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses (Ferial)
Psalms 32. 33 and 34 (Oxford Psalter) First Lesson : Exodus 29, vv. 45 and 46: 30, vv 1-10
Magnificat (Causton in Mode 1)
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 1, vv.
18-20; 2, vv. 1-15
Nunc dimittis (Causton in Mode 1) Creed. Versiclee. and Responses Collects
Anthem: Remember not. Lord, our offences (Purcell) (Words from the Litany)
Remember not. Lord, our offences, nor the offences of our forefathers; neither take thou vengeance of our sins. Spare us, good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. Spare us, good Lord.
Organ: Prelude on 'Cheshire'
(Gordon Slater )
Organist and Master of the Choristers.
Gordon Slater
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary of the last twenty years and invites you to listen again to some of the outstanding broadcasts that have taken place during this week in previous years
'The Breaking Point' starring John Garfield and Patricia Neal
An adaptation of the sound-track of the Warner Brothers picture
Adapted by Derek Clipsham
Produced by Godfrey Holloway
Shipping and general weather forecast, fol,lowed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
The marches played by the Band of the Royal Horse Guards (The Blues)
Conducted by Captain David McBain
(Director of Music)
The waltzes played by the Raeburn Orchestra
Conductor, Wynford Reynolds
Programme introduced by Frederick Allen
Showing how science and special skills work in pursuit of the law-breaker
12— The Loosened Nut and the Blazing Car
Narrator, James McKechnie
Script and production by John Gough
The programme tells of a conflict of expert evidence as between mechanical engineers. The Prosecution claimed that the nut under the dashboard was deliberately loosened to give a free flow of petrol to aid a deliberate fire. The Defence contended that intense heat can loosen nuts, and that this part of the Prosecution's case was worthless.
by Paul Bareau
In 1940 Mr. Churchill said: 'These two great organisations, the Brtish Empire and the United States, will have to be somewhat mixed up in some of their affairs for mutual and general advantage.' Paul Bareau, Deputy City Editor of the News Chronicle, talks about some of the ways in which Commonwealth and United States economic affairs are now interrelated.
An informal meeting in which five well-known quesition-masters — Lionel Hale , Gilbert Harding , Lionel Gamlin , Robert MacDermot. and Wymford Vaughan Thomas— test each other's knowledge for a change
President of the Club,
John Snagge
Honorary member-producer,
Michael Bansley
by Nathaniel Micklem, Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford
The nineteenth century was the great century of church attendance in this country. Revivals set in everywhere and missionary movements grew. But during this great, expansion the beginnings of opposition to the Christian faith were already evident. Many a serious-minded Christian was confused by the attacks of science and the new way of thinking. Dr. Micklem deals with this century from the point of view of one who watched the inevitable growth of science and scientific thinking. The many questions that came to such a Christian when the structure of his faith was altered made this century a confusing one for many.