Sydney Gustard at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Cameo Orchestra
' Who would true valour see '
A series of six talks by the Rev. J. Stanley Pritchard based on John Bunyan 's hymn 5— ' He knows he, at the end, will life inherit'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Rejoice, the Lord is King (A. and M.
202: S.!P. 632; C.H. 135, omitting v. 5: Tune. Gopsal)
Interlude: 'The Trial before Pilate' Prayers; the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola: the Lord's Prayer
My song is love unknown (S.P. 127. omitting vv. 2, 4, 5, 6: Tune, Psalm 47)
Eleanor Houston (soprano)
Max Gilbert (viola)
Josephine Lee (piano)
PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' The Great Flood': a passage from 'Men and Gods' by Rex Warner
Stand up, and bless the Lord (A. and M. 706)
New Every Morniing. page 58
Psalm 119 (Part 3) (Broadcast Psalter) 1 Corinthians 1, vv. 1-17
Soldiers of the Cross, arise! (A. and M. 588; S.P. 642)
Jimmy Leach and the New Organolians
from a canteen in Bedford
with Norman Harper, Avril Angers, The Radio Revellers
James Moody at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
reviews new records
TRAVEL TALKS. ' Round the Pacific : Flying to the Outback.' Script by Kay Kinane 2.20 LET'S JOIN IN. The Rabbits
Go Hunting,' by Alison Uttley This tale tells how the enemy slugs were finally defeated
2.40 LOOKING AT THINGS. ' The Story of Haddon Hall.' Script by Rosemary Horstmann
A beautiful and historic house, which grew during the five centuries after the Norman Conquest from a small manor to a noble mansion and which stands today as a fine example of a great medieval home.
Conducted by Roger Manvell
3.1 Films: Paul Rotha
3.10 Theatre: T. C. Worsley
3.18 Books: Walter Allen
3.27 Radio: Frank Tilsley
3.35 Art: Colin Maclnnes
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
London v. N. Ireland: Round 3
' Kidnapped by Gunrunners '
The further adventures of ' Tiger ' Ransome and ' Snort' Kenton by ' Sea-Lion '
4—' Dinscombe Folly '
Production by David Davis )
Midshipmen Tiger Ransome and Snort Kenton are trying to rescue Tiger's young sister Joan from an old tin mine where she is being held a prisoner by three crooks, Borg, Micallef, and Zammit-all members of a gang of gunrunners led by a certain Matson.
Superintendent Sawbridge and Inspector McBride of Scotland Yard have just raided the mine in an attempt to capture the gang. But unfortunately Matson and his men manage to escape to sea in an ex-naval landing craft-all, that is, except Borg, Micallef, and Zammit, a fact of which Tiger and Snort, waiting with Joan for the arrival of the police, are unaware.
' Collecting History': a talk by Ivor Noël-Hume
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Music for everyone played by Stanley Black and the Augmented Dance Orchestra sung by Edmund Hockridge Harry Dawson
Josephine Crombie , Doreen Lundy and the Peter Knight Chorus
Producer, Johnnie Stewart
by Charles Gibbs-Smith
Charles Gibbs-Smith , author of the Victoria and Albert Museum publication on the Great Exhibition, speaks of the scope and ideals of the original Crystal Palace.
Bernard Braden , Barbara Kelly
Benny Lee and Pearl Carr
Nat Temple and his Orchestra,
Production by Pat Dixon