and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of a popular composer : Noel Gay
Exercises for men: George Welton
7.40 Exercises for women: May Brown
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
Programme Parade
' The Dish of the Week'
Mixed choice of records. High spot : ' Old-Time Music-Hall', featuring Charles Cobom , Vesta Victoria , and others
under the direction of Tom Jenkins
Two brothers of the eighteenth century, George Keith , Tenth Earl Marischal , and Field-Marshal James Keith. Talk by Alexander Keith
at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square
News commentary and interlude
from p. 69 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 30 of ' Each Returning Day '
Sheffield Transport Department Band : conductor, G. W. Hespe
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER : by Herbert Wiseman. Revision programme
11.20 I YSGOLION CYMRU: (For Welsh schools). - Byw yn y Wlad gan Myfanwy Howell. 10. 'Cydfyw a Chyd-letya'
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : Two action stories by Diana Ross : 1 — ' The Little Red Engine ' ; 2-' The Little Red Engine gets a Name '
12.0 THE MAKING AND CONTENT OF THE BIBLE : The Prophets '. ' The Fulfilment of Prophecy', by the Rev. Alan Richardson, Study Secretary of the Student Christian Movement
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
presented with gramophone records by A. Hyatt King
1.50 SCIENCE AND GARDENING: 'The Land Utilisation Survey ' : discussion between Dr. Keen and Dr. Dudley Stamp
2.10 Interval music'
' Making History Today ' : stories about Dunkirk
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I : English for everyday use. ' Summer Activity' : Bill and Mary and their friends consider how they may best occupy their holidays
Scottish Variety Orchestra : conductor, Ronnie Munro
Triumphal March: Sigurd Jorsalfar
(Op. 56)
Scenes from Olav Trygvason , Op. 50 (An unfinished drama by Bjornson)
A Woman....Margaret Godley (soprano) Volven Gladys Ripley (contralto) A High Priest
Norman Walker (baritone)
BBC Chorus, BBC Orchestra, conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Talk by W. J. Deacon , Chief Education Officer for Somerset
A phoney revue written by Charles Hatton. Music and production by Leslie Bridgmont
Stori radio gan Alwyn Thomas. Yn cael ei dweud gan Ednyfed Curig Davies. (Story in Welsh)
' Ten Minutes Each'. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and the West of England each contribute ten minutes to a programme of music, talks, and features
Alexander Carmichael and J. Mouland Begbie in Scottish songs and fiddle tunes
Visit to a Northern Ireland county school with the recording car
' By the Sea ' : three people who make their living by the sea describe their jobs
' We go down to Somerset', in which, with the help of the recording van, you are taken to meet some of the children who have been evacuated to the West Country
followed by National and Regional announcements
Parry Jones (tenor). Clifford Curzon (piano). London Philharmonic Orchestra (leader, Jean Pougnet ), conducted by Basil Cameron
Ballet Suite : The Swan Lake Lenski's Aria (Eugene Onegin )
Piano Concerto No. 1, in B flat minor
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
What you can do about it. Discussion on how far this series has succeeded, between a doctor and a layman who has listened to the talks with many different people under widely varying conditions
Romance and drama of London's famous playhouse, in eight episodes, written by Phillip Leaver and Vernon Harris , with the co-operation of W. MacQueen Pope. Music selected and composed by Kenneth Leslie-Smith . Produced by Vernon Harris. Part 6—' Edmund Kean ' People of Today :
People of the 19th Century :
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas
' Twinkle '. Revue with Olive Fox , Audrey Acland , Cynthia Rawson , Eddie Childs , Rupert Rogers , Conrad Leonard , Hugh Harden , Audrey Parker , Rex Korda , and Clarkson Rose. Revue Chorus and BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Produced by Reginald Smith
by Bernard Shaw , adapted for broadcasting by the author. Produced by Barbara Burnham
Scene : Act 3 : A basement in the Commercial Road. Act 4 : The coffee-room of ' The Pig and Whistle '
sung by Trefor Jones. Presented by Hubert Foss
Dedication My Rose
From ' The Poet's Love ' :
The lovely month of May
What care I now ?
You hear the trumpets
A boy and girl were courting I wept as I lay dreaming In dreams I see you Fairyland
Programme improvised by Kay Cavendish
Song cycle by Vaughan Williams of poems from A. E. Housman 's ' A Shropshire Lad', sung by Gervase Elwes with the London String Quartet, on gramophone records. Presented by Richard Elwes
' Rugby Chapel', by Matthew Arnold , read by Robert Speaight. Presented by Edward Sackville-West
and his Band