and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
with Harry Porter (tenor)
Gramophone records
plays popular organ music
Programme Parade
Interlude : records
From St. Mark's, North Audley Street
Introit : To thee, 0 Lord, do I lift up my soul (Rachmaninoff)
Lord's Prayer
Collect for Purity
The Commandments Kyrie (Paleslrina) Collect for the day
Epistle : I Peter 3, w. 8-15
Gradual : Beati quorum via (Stanford) Gospel : St. Luke 5, vv. 1-11 Creed (Palestrina)
Address by the Rev. K. H. Thorneycroft
Thy Kingdom come (E.H. 504 ; C.H. 153) Prayer for the Church
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (E.H. 519) Blessing
James Ching talks about, and plays, two dances by Rameau (1683-1764), both as the composer wrote them and in modem arrangements
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Conductor, Guy Warrack
o Gaper Seion , Llanelli (Religious Service in Welsh)
0 Gariad I 0 Gariad I (760 : Ton,
Darllen : Rhan o'r wythfed bennod yn
Efengyl loan
Pa fodd y meddiaf yn fy oes (197 : Ton,
Pregeth gan y Parchedig Jubilee Young
Dan aden Dy gariad mi ganaf (619 : Ton,
Organydd a chorfeistr, Sidney Lewis
' Austerity and Make-Up’ : talk by Diana Gordon Wall
Gramophone records presented by Edwin Evans
played by Harriet Cohen
Sixth in a series of outside broadcasts : the W.R.N.S. Commentators, Stewart MacPherson and Wynford Vaughan Thomas. From a Shore Station somewhere in England
Conductor, Harold Moss
Archdeacon McGowan continues the discussion with Dr. Stanton
1—' Digging for Victory in Ayr', by A. T. Harrison , Parks Superintendent of Ayr
2-' Plants and their Water Supply ', by Dr. W. S. Rogers , of the East Mailing Research Station
Conducted by Clarence Raybould. Henry Cummings (baritone)
Play by James Bridie , adapted from ' Sturm in Wasserglass' by Bruno Frank. Produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
Talk by the Rev. Guy R. Levesley , Minister of the Congregational Church, Castle Hedingham
Myfyrdod gan Caradog Prichard yn cael ei dweud gan Dewi Prys Thomas. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 'The Little Spinning Maid' : an old Welsh legend, written as a play for children by Beryl M. Jones
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
Interlude: records
How air raids on Malta affect the ordinary person. Talk by a Naval Officer who has lived there for two years with his wife and children
Indian short story by Ranjee Shahani
Conductor, Boyd Neel
Alec Robertson gives an informal review of some of the music you will hear this week, and a special word by Ralph Hill about the first performance of E. J. Moeran 's Violin Concerto
Alec Robertson , who week by week is giving a talk on the high lights of Prom programmes, is introducing a new feature tonight by bringing to the microphone either a friend of the composer or the composer himself to discuss the 'first performance ' of the week. ' The idea is not only to stimulate interest in these new works, but to give useful information and guidance. Future speakers will include Hubert Foss , Edmund Rubbra , Herbert Murrill , and, it is hoped, Benjamin Britten.
Let all the world in every corner sing,
My God and King I (M.H.B. 5 ; A. and M. 548 ; C.H. 15)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer
The heavens declare thy glory, Lord
(M.H.B. 802)
Lesson Prayers
The King of love my shepherd is (M.H.B.
76 ; A. and M. 197 ; C.H. 438)
Address by the Rev. G. Osborn Gregory
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
(M.H.B. 667; A. and M. 477; C.H. 289)
Appeal on behalf of the Homes for Little Boys, Farningham and Swanley, Kent, by - Donald McCullough
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed].
to commemorate the Seventh of July —China's Day of Resistance and Reconstruction
followed by a postscript
First produced at the Opera Comique, under the management of the Comedy Opera Company, (Mr. R. D'Oyly Carte , Manager), November 17, 1877. Written by W. S. Gilbert. Composed by Arthur Sullivan
Adapted for broadcasting by Geoffrey Dunn (by permission of Rupert D'Oyly Carte)
BBC Theatre Chorus. BBC Theatre Orchestra : conductor, Stanford Robinson
Act 1: Grounds of Sir Marmaduke's
(Half-an-hour is supposed to elapse between Acts 1 and 2) Act 2 : The same by moonlight Time : 1877
Narrator, Christopher Stone
' The fruit of the Spirit is gentleness
Psalm 145, vv. 1-9, 21 ; St. John 8, w. 1-11 ; Heavenly Father, may thy blessing; St. James 3, vv. 17-18
I-In England : series of gramophone programmes, devised by Poppaea Vanda and Philip Bate. Presented by Philip Bate
Programme of melody, arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ