and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Fray and Braggiotti
Exercises for jnen : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women :
Doris Robertson 4
An anthology of favourites
A thought for today: Rev. G. W. Byrt
' A Man in the Kitchen ' t
Records taken at random from the rack
Muriel Sotham (contralto)
at the organ of the Regal, Kingstonon-Thames
News commentary and interlude
from p. 105 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 24 of ' Each Returning Day'
Rhythmic records
11.0 THE MUSICAL TRAVELLER : ' The Traveller in Good Humour', Mr. Merryweather enjoys some musical jokes
11.20 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH : Jean-Jacques Oberlin , Yvonne Oberlin , and Marie Touchard. 'En tram-way '. Chanson : Repetition de chansons
11.40 SENIOR GEOGRAPHY : Making the Americas : Latin America. ' Thirty Billion Coffee-Trees ' : the temperate highlands of Brazil
Gwendoline Berry (soprano), Ivey Dickson (piano)
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
and his Band
2.0 NATURE STUDY : Across the Moor', by Scott Kennedy
2.15 Interval music
2.20 PHYSICAL TRAINING (for use in classrooms) : by Edith Dowling
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR HISTORY, 1850-1942: Getting together : ' News Gatherers ', by Spike Hughes. Newspapermen and radio commentators increase our knowledge of the world
Primo Scala 's Accordion Band, directed by Harry Bidgood
Harry Bidgood , who directs Primo Scala 's Accordion Band, was taught the piano at an early age by his father, himself a composer. As soon as he left school he went on to the Variety stage as a solo pianist, and also played at cinemas in the ' 'silent' days. He was an Army drummer during the last war, after which he was for a time pianist at the Otd Vic , thereafter forming the dance-band combination with which he spent three-and-a-half years at the Piccadilly Hotel.
Bidgood took over the directorship, of Primo Scala 's Accordion Band some years ago. It has been recording for the last ten years, and is heard regularly on the air.
under the direction of David Wise , with Vivien Lambelet
Lyrics of Robert Herrick to the music of Roger Quilter
The Bracelet
The Maiden Blush To Daisies
The Nigfit Piece Julia's Hair Interlude
Cherry Ripe sung by Harold Bradbury (tenor)
by Edwin Muir
Symphonies on Russian themes, played by the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r Ilyfr Bob Bore o Newydd'
' Family Afloat ': a narrative play for adventurers of all ages by Aubrey de Selincourt. 3—' Smugglers or WorsF'
National and Regional announcements
7-Heydrich. Written by Arthur Koestler , produced by Walter Rilla.
Variety from the Empire Theatre, Middlesbrough
followed by the third of Barbara Brew 's talks to the Women's Land Army
' What is the Remedy ? ' : discussion between J. Lane , a London probation officer ; W. H. McHaffie , a head-master with experience of evacuation problems ; W. H. Corbett , a parent ; and John A. F. Watson , a juvenile court magistrate
' Sir Henry Wood rehearses ... * On Saturday at 6.30 p.m. the forty-eighth season of Promenade Concerts opens at the Royal Albert Hall. Listen to part of a rehearsal. This is a recorded impression of Sir Henry Wood and the London Philharmonic Orchestra at work on the programmes. Presented by Clifton Helliwell
by Captain Cyril Falls
General editor, Robert Barr. Produced by John Glyn-Jones
Every week the news brings from a worldwide battle-front fresh stories of courage, endurance, humour, and heroism. These topical feature programmes re-tell them in radio form, dramatising the forward march of the peoples of the United Nations.
Address by the Rev. Philip S. Watson
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Short anthology selected and introduced by Michael Murray
and his Orchestra, with Beryl Davis , Georgina, Len Camber , George Evans , Derek Roy , the Singing Sweethearts, and Three Boys and a Girl