and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of John Hendrik (tenor)
Exercises for men: Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women: Doris Robertson
An anthology of favourites
A thought for today: Rev. G. W. Byrt
Programme Parade
The Radio Doctor
Gramophone records
Six familiet of British children now in Adelaide, South Australia, exchange news with their parents in London, Lancashire, and Scotland. Programme arranged in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Commission
Gramophone records (continued)
The Shepherd's Lottery : Prelude-Gavot
Southern Sisters
Topical magazine programme
News commentary and interlude
from p. 5 of ' New Every Morning' and p. 22 of ' Each Returning Day'
De Wolfe and his Orchestra
Meyer de Wolfe is one of the outstanding figures on the musical side of the film world. A sound musical education at the Royal Conservatoire at the Hague fitted him for his long association with the direction of music in film theatres. Meyer de Wolfe was responsible for the introduction of the first Wurlitzer organ to the public of this country, and was instrumental in introducing many of Britain's leading theatre organists to their audiences. For years his concerts at the Regent, Brighton, were a high-spot musical entertainment on the South Coast.
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR JUNIORS : Ann Driver. ' More Long and Short Notes '
11.40 HOW THINGS BEGAN: 'The Coming of Iron '. Tom and Polly, on a visit to the museum, are told about the Hittites and the making of iron weapons
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
Eighty-first of the Northern series of lunch-time concerts presented to their fellow-workers by members of the staff of a works engaged on war production. Arranged and presented by Victor Smythe
Plotside broadcasts from a BBC allotment cultivated by the Outside Broadcasting Department. Commentator, Michael Standing. Adviser, Roy Hay. From a London residential square
From the Town Hall, Birmingham
1.50 MUSIC MAKING : Revision. Herbert Wiseman and a group of children
2.10 Interval music
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE : Notes and noises. ' Recording Sounds', by Joseph Lauwerys
2.35 Interval music
2.40 JUNIOR English : Serial play, ' Robin Hood '—Part 4
Jack .Simpson and his Sextet
played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Guy Warrack .
These programmes bring before you, month by month, the changing facets of the rural scene. Countrymen and women are brought to the microphone to speak about their lives and work, and although representative of the life of country folk, the series should hold much of interest to townspeople too.
, with Jean Kennedy , Randolph Sutton , Nat Mills and Bobbie, Vincent H. Tildsley 's Mastersingers, and Naughton and Gold. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Introduced by Norman Wooland. Presented by John Sharman
Sgwrs gan Wil Ifan. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' Said the Cat to the Dog' by Martin Armstrong : 8-' Seaside Holiday'
Songs at the piano, by Linda Parker
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
National and Regional announcements
A national magazine introduced by Frank Gillard
as Bill Snibson (the famous character he created in 'Twenty to One ', and ' Me and My Girl' by L. Arthur Rose ) in the fifth episode of ' Snibson's Choice', with Marjery Wyn as his girl Polly. Music specially written by Noel Gay and-played by Mantovani and his Orchestra. Storv written by Cyril Campion and Max Kester.
3-Britain, America, and Russia : talk by the Rev. William Paton , D.D.
(leader, Paul Beard ), conducted by Sir Adrian Boult. Solo piano, Pouishnoff
The Travelling Repertory Company (Producer, Basil C. Langton), in an excerpt from ' The Devil's Disciple ' by G. Bernard Shaw. Presented by Peter Watts. (Recorded)
presented, with gramophone records, by John Barbirolli
In 1936 John Barbirolli went to America as successor of Arturo Toscanini to fill the distinguished post of conductor of the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra. No young British conductor could have had a more difficult task, but Barbirolli has acquitted himself with great distinction and has won over a vast and enthusiastic public in New York. This afternoon he comes to the microphone to talk about his own orchestra and its history, and he will use as illustrations a number of records, including some of those made by Toscanini.
le Neiliann Nic Ghill'innein, Main NicDhomhnuill, lain Barriskell, agus Domhnull Maclosaic. (Gaelic concert)
Meriel St. Clair (soprano), Millicent Silver (piano) MERIEL ST. CLAIR MILLICENT SILVER MERIEL ST. CLAIR
Extract from The Trumpet Major by Thomas Hardy, selected and read by Eric Gillett. Presented by Edward Sackville-West.
and his Swing Quartet