and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Carmen Miranda
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women :
Doris Robertson
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
' A Man in the Kitchen'
Records taken at random from the rack
Conductor, Harry Pell , with Dorothy Megeney (soprano)
at the organ of the Plaza Cinema, Swansea
News commentary and interlude
Records of his voice will be heard in ' At Home to the Forces ' at 7.30 tonight (Forces programme).
from p. 17 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 12 of ' Each Returning Day '
Rhythmic records
11.0 THE MUSICAL TRAVELLER : ' The Traveller and the Sea '. The Traveller catches a glimpse of the sea, and thinks about some of the music it has inspired
11.20 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH : by Jean-Jacques Oberlin and Yvonne Oberlin. ' Knock, ou Ie triomphe de la medecine ' (Julais Romain ). Acte 2, Scene 1
11.40 SENIOR GEOGRAPHY : Making the Americas : Latin America. ' Building a City ', by R. J. Baker
played by Eric Thiman
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
' Not good enough for my daughter talk by Irene F. Hilton
Recital of eighteenth-century Spanish music. Sophie Wyss (soprano), accompanied by Roberto Gerhard
Sophie Wyss , who was born in Switzerland, studied at the Conservatoire de Geneve. In her ten years of broadcasting she can claim to have brought to the microphone more new works than any other singer. She was the first to bring to the listening public many of the songs of such composers as Honegger, Milhaud, and Tailleferre. She* sings in six languages with perfect understanding and has an almost unlimited repertoire.
The Catalonian composer, Roberto Ger hard, was born in 1896 at Vails, in the province of Tarragona. From 1916-21 he studied under Felipe Pedrell , the founder of modern Spanish music, and later became a pupil of Schonberg. Roberto Gerhard has written a number of interesting works, including the Trio in A flat, the Violin Sonata, and the ballet Ariel, founded on Shakespeare's The Tempest, which was first performed at the Festival of the International Society for. Contemporary Music at Barcelona in 1936.
2.0 NATURE STUDY : Insect Orchestras ', by J. M. Cowan
2.15 Interval music
2.20 PHYSICAL TRAINING (for use in classrooms) : by Edith Dowling
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR HISTORY : 1850-1942. Learning to know the Empire : ' Stories from our history that I learnt at school': 3-By a New Zealander, Jim Webster
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom
(leader, Paul Beard ) : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
From the Central Hall, Newport
C. A. Lejeune
Tea-time music, sung and played by Sylvia Marriott and the BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas. Presented by Reginald Smith
(Studio service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r llyfr Bob Bore o Newydd '
' Family Afloat.' Narrative play in three episodes for adventurers of all ages by Aubrey de Selincourt. Part 2 -' Over to France '
National and Regional announcements
6-Hermann Goering (General Field Marshal : Bully, Buffoon, and Big Business Man). Written by Karl Otten. Produced by Walter Rilla.
Variety from the Opera House, Wakefield
HERMANN GOERING who promised the German people that no bombs would fall on Germany- His career is depicted in ' Black Gallery ' at 6.30.
From the Central Hall, Newport
How new aircraft are tested in the air before delivery to the R.A.F. Test Pilot, Major Tommy Rose , D.F.C., in a Miles Master. Commentator, Stewart MacPherson and Wynford Vaughan Thomas. Special from an aerodrome and an aircraft factory somewhere in England
by Admiral Sir Ragnar Colvin , K.B.E., C.B
Every week the news brings from a worldwide battle-front fresh stories of courage, endurance, humour, and heroism. These topical feature programmes re-tell them in radio form, dramatising the forward march of the peoples of the United Nations.
Address by the Rev. Daniel T. Jenkins
String Quartet in F played by the Hirsch Quartet
Ravel's Quartet in F is full of beautiful music imbued with a delicate strain of romantic feeling, and the first movement, particularly, is a model of conciseness and balance. A feeling of continuity is given to the whole work by thematic resemblances and quotations : the second theme of the quite original scherzo with its intriguing pizzicato effects is an offspring of the second theme of the first movement ; in the slow movement there is an echo of the first subject of the first movement ; and in the finale the second theme consists of two strains, one based on the first theme of the first subject and the other on the second theme. a
Reading by Hubert J. Foss
and his Band