and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Ginger Rogers
Exercises for men: Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women: May Brown
An anthology of favourites
A thought for today : Rev. G. T. Bellhouse , B.D.
Programme Parade
'It's your idea'
Mixed choice bf records. The high spot is Lullabyland, recorded from the sound-track of the Walt Disney cartoon
Gerard McCreesh describes some of the village industries which are contributing to the war effort in Northern Ireland
at the theatre organ
News commentary and interlude
from p. 53 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 58 of ' Each Returning Day '
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER : by Herbert Wiseman The Road to the Isles (Hebridean song)
Down by the Riverside (English folk song) What shall we do with the drunken sailor ? (sea shanty)
11.20 1 YSGOLION CYMRU: (For Welsh schools). Diwylliant Cymru, gan Dr. lorwerth C. Peate. 6— ' Goleuo'r Ty '
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES: Memory game, .to be followed by ' The Greedy Shepherd', one of the Frances Browne stories from ' Granny's Wonderful Chair'
12.0 THE FOUR GOSPELS : 'Judgment and Salvation', by the Rev. H. J. Carpenter , Warden of Keble College, Oxford
Last term the series of talks" on ' The Making and Content of the Bible ' dealt with the ways in which the Gospels came to be written. This term they are concerned with the message of the Gospels, and with the attempt to find out what was the original Christianity.
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
sung by George Parker
Refrain (of one in a far country) ; The
Little Vagabond; I know a bank; Cargoes ; 0 Falmouth is a fine town ; Old clothes and fine clothes
Martin Shaw
Ardan Mor ; The Bellman's Song ; In youth is pleasure Elizabeth Poston
1.50 SCIENCE AND GARDENING : ' Work to do now in the garden ', by C. F. Lawrance
2.10 Interval music
2.15 STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY: ' A Heroine of France ' : the story of Joan of Arc, with dramatic interludes, by Rhoda Power
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I : English for everyday use. Dramatic reading from ' The Bottle Imp ', by Robert Louis ' Stevfenson
Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
A merchant seaman, a florist's assistant, and a Scots poet, member of the Home Guard, make their choice for wartime reading: George Davidson , Toni Gilmour , and W. D. Cocker
Record programme of Irish songs and ballads, arranged and presented by Brian George
BBC Chorus. BBC Orchestra, conducted by Clarence Raybould ORCHESTRA CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA
Sgwrs gan R. Alun Roberts. (Talk in Welsh)
Story for the youngest listener, ' Corrie Feine ' : 4—' The Lost Fisher', by Anne Scott Moncrieff
Another song and story feature,
' Dolls devised by Helen Drever. Presented by James Crampsey and ' Kathleen '
National and Regional announcements
Serial specially written for broadcasting by Lewis Middleton Harvey , and produced by Val Gielgud. Instalment 2—' Who is Peter London ? '
Sonata in E flat, Op. 12, No. 3 played by Harry Blech (violin) and Denis Matthews (piano)
'Location of Industry': discussion by P. Sargant Florence , Professor of Commerce in the University of Birmingham, and George W. Cadbury , Secretary, West Midland Group on Post-War Reconstruction and Planning
(Sequel to Crooks' Tour),*by Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat. Music by Kenneth Leslie-Smith . Produced by Vernon Harris. Part 2—' Your policemen are wonderful'
Basil Radford as Charters
Naunton Wayne as Caldicott Patricia Leonard as Anne Geraldo and his Orchestra
with Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra. Produced by David Miller
Tonight's ' Milestones of Melody ' will consist entirely of compositions by that outstanding team Rodgers and Hart, who have been responsible for song hits almost beyond counting. Do you remember ' Dancing on the Ceiling ', ' Mountain Greenery ', ' Ten Cents a Dance ', ' On Your Toes ', ' The Lady is a Tramp' These are only a few of the tunes that have proved themselves worth remembering. You will hear them, and others as well, in the programme tonight. Although much of the work of Rodgers and Hart became famous in America, this country has been the scene of some of their greatest successes, particularly such contributions to C. B. Cochran shows as One Dam Thing After Another, Evergreen, and My Heart Stood Still.
John Masefield , O.M. Including a reconstruction of scenes from his early life, based on material collected by Brigid Maas , and chosen from the autobiographical sections of the poet's own writings. Dramatised and produced by Stephen Potter
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Albert Sammons (violin)
(First performance)
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
with his Orchestra