and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of William Murdoch (piano)
Exercises for men : George Welton
An anthology of favourites
Short morning prayers
Children's food problems : ' The School Age '
Records of the American Scene from the Rockies to the Rainbow Room
Conducted by Major F. J. Ricketts
presented by Reginald Kell with his Sextet
' Story of a Scottish Regimental Crest: "The Royal Scots Greys " by Robert Bain. ' Womenfolk of China', by Katherine Whitaker. ' Guarding Scotland's Coast', by an Officer of H.M. Coastguards (recorded talk)
News commentary and interlude
from p. 33 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 50 of ' Each Returning Day '
Mantovani and his Orchestra
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR JUNIORS : Ann Driver. ' An old tune and a new one '
11.40 HOW THINGS BEGAN : 'Cave artists and magicians': Tom and Polly meet their friend Mr. Wilson, the curator of the museum, and hear about Cro-Magnon Man in Spain and France, by Dina Dobson
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Lunch-time concert for their fellow-workers by members of the staff of an armament works somewhere in the North. Arranged and presented by Victor Smythe my the
Conducted by Mr. W. H. FitzEarle
1.50 MUSIC MAKING : Noting down a rhythm '. Cyril Winn , and a group of children
2.10 Interval music
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE : Reproduction and growth. ' The young mammal is born '. Richard Palmer
2.35 Interval music
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH : Part I of a play based on Bunyan's ' Pilgrim's Progress ', arranged for broadcasting by Julia Goodey
Louis Kentner (piano). BBC Chamber Orchestra (leader, Paul Beard ), conducted by Constant Lambert
Concerto for piano and chamber orchestra
From a concert hall in East Anglia
Six families of British children evacuated to Grahamstown. South Africa , speak with their parents at home. (Programme arranged in collaboration with the South African Broadcasting Corporation and broadcast simultaneously in both countries)
Sgwrs gan Kate Roberts. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' Black Barty' : song poem by I. D. Hooson , translated by Edgar Jones , with music by Idris Lewis
' The Peacemaker ' : reconstruction of a scene at the court of the great law-giver Hywel the Good, by Beryl M. Jones.
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
National and Regional announcements
F. H. Grisewood brings to the microphone people in the news, people talking about the news, and interesting visitors to Britain
with Forsythe, Seamon, and Farrell. Story of the New York of 1912 and 1913-especially Greenwich Village -written, told, and produced by Jimmy Dyrenforth. First episode
Other parts played by Joyce Fletcher and members of the BBC Revue Chorus. The Dance Orchestra, directed by Billy Tement.
Acts 1 and 2 Opera by Mozart, adapted- from the comedy of Beaumarchais by Lorenzo da Ponte. ' English words by Edward J. Dent. Abridged' for broadcasting and produced by Stanford Robinson and Mark H. Lubbock
Chorus of villagers. BBC Theatre Chorus and BBC Theatre Orchestra, conductor, Stanford Robinson
The action covers one day, and takes place in the castle and grounds of Aquas Frescas, the domain of Count Almaviva, near Seville
Acts 3 and 4
Ten minutes of gramophone music
British and American religious leaders compare notes. Series of six talks broadcast simultaneously in America and Great Britain, in collaboration with the Columbia Broadcasting System. 6—' What is the place of co-operation between the Churches in creating the kind of world we want after the war ? ' : an American speaker
Cuirm chiuil de na seann orain a bha gu tric ri'n cluinntinn. (Favourite songs in Gaelic)
Wartime melodrama for broadcasting, by Noiman Edwards. Produced by Fred O'Donovan
and his Band, with Julie Dawn , Alan Kane , and Roy Marsh at the vibraphone