and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of America's Crooner Number One
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
An interlude
A thought for today: Rev. Laurens Sargent
Mabel Constanduros
Programme of gramophone records
at the theatre organ
and his Orchestra, with Alan Kane
News commentary and interlude
from p. 17 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 12 of ' Each Returning Day'
Programme of gramophone records
Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, conducted by Capt. J. C. Windram : Fame and glory (Albert E. Matt )
Cicely Courtneidge (comedienne) : There's something about a soldier (from Soldiers of the King) (Nod Gay)
Harold Williams (baritone) : The Company Sergeant-Major (Lyon and Sanderson)
Raymond Newell (baritone) : Carry on I
(Ord Hamilton)
Magazine programme for women, in which all aspects of running a home in wartime will be discussed
Talk by Major-General Sir Fabian Ware , K.C.V.O., C.M.G., Vice-Chairman of the Imperial War Graves Commission
11.0 PHYSICAL TRAINING (for use in halls or playgrounds) by Edith Dowling
11.20 Interval music
11.25 GAMES WITH WORDS, arranged by Helen F. Benson
11.40 TALKS FOR FIFTH FORMS : The evidence of our senses : ' The story of the thermometer.'
Richard Palmer
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Lunch-hour entertainment for factory workers, relayed from a factory somewhere in Britain
Recording of last Saturday's broadcast by Elmer Davis
Programme of gramophone records devised by Ronald Hilbome
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS : Country work and country ways. ' Lifeboat : Ready for anything ! '
2.10 Interval music
2.15 FOR UNDER-SEVENS : Let's join in. The Toys help to act the story of Red Riding Hood
2.30 Interval music
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II : Good writing : Poetry programme, by Margaret Richards
Programme of rhythmic records
from a college chapel
Antiphon : Father of all (Tye)
Versicles and Responses (Tomkins) Psalm 46
First Lesson : Wisdom 3, vv. 1-9 Magnificat (Hylton Stewart in C)
Second Lesson : Revelation 21, vv.
Nunc dimittis (Hylton Stewart in C) Creed
Lord's Prayer (Robert Stone)
Versicles and Responses (Tomkins) Anthem : 0 brother man (Darke) Prayers
Recording of last Thursday's broadcast
Short story, written for broadcasting and read by Bartimeus
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Brad ar Lannau'r Bae ' : drama gyfres newydd gan Tom Richards. Yr Ail Bennod : ' Perygl yn yr .Hcndre '
' Out with Romany' : adventures among birds and animals
National and Regional announcements
Weekly series of talks to help listeners to carry out smoothly the many regulations which are so important for the war effort on the Home Front
Musical diversion with Gladys Ripley , Donald Edge and Charles Groves at two pianos, strine section of the BBC Theatre Orchestra, Jeanne Chevreau (harp). Conducted by Charles Groves. Presented by Donald Edge
I vow to thee, my country (S.P. 319) Act of Remembrance and Thanks-giving
Reading from Revelation 21 and 22 Thy kingdom come, on bended knee
(S.P. 680; C.H. 153)
Address by the Bishop of Bristol Prayers
Jerusalem (Parry) (S.P. 446 ; C.H.
No. 7—'The Unknown Warrior'. Play by Clemence Dane , with music specially written by Richard Addin sell : Leon Quartermaine as 'Merlin', and Marius Goring as ' The Warrior'. Orchestra directed by Muir Mathjeson. Produced by Val Gielgud
Whitehall cross-questioned
Symphony No. 5 in C minor played by BBC Scottish Orchestra. Conductor, Ian Whyte
2-Chapters from the living volume of Scottish life. Series written by Edwin Muir , produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
and his Band
Maurice Winnick , whose band is on the air all this week, began to play the violin at the age of seven. At fourteen he was playing in a cinema, and at twenty toured Variety halls throughout the country with his own band. Three years later he undertook a series of engagements on various liners, and made three complete world cruises. Back in England with his own band, he played at several of London's famous rendezvous. He has been providing the music at the Phcenix Theatre, London, since its re-opening last month.
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , Jackie Hunter , and George Evans.