and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Frank "Luther and Zora Layman singing songs from ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs '
Exercises for men : George Welton
7.40 Exercises for women : May
An interlude
Short morning prayers
Programme Parade
' Gert and Daisy '
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Housewives compare notes on everyday life in Canada and New Zealand: Mary Martin , Agnes Portass
at the theatre organ
Fan Mail Fancies
News commentary and interlude
from p. 53 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 58 of 'Each Returning Day'
The Victor Fleming Orchestra
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER : by Herbert Wiseman
11.20 I YSGOLION CYMRU (For Welsh Schools) : ' Gair a Geirfa', gan T. J. Morgan. ' Enwi- personau ' : Sawl ffordd o enwi'r un dyn a rhai ohonynt yn ddigrif
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : Ten-minute tale from India, ' The monkey and the farmer', and a word game
7—'The early formation of the Gospel tradition': Rev. Alan Richardson , Study Secretary of the Student Christian Movement
This is another broadcast m the ambitious two-year series surveying the making and content of the Bible. The series is subdivided, and is particularly suitable for sixth-form listening.
Conducted by Ronald Biggs
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
Jan van der Gucht (tenor)
1.50 SCIENCE AND GARDENING : 'Plants and sunshine', by B. A. Keen
2.10 Interval music
2.15 STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY : ' Alexander the Great', by Rhoda Power
2.35 Interval music
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH I : English for everyday use : ' Sending a telegram '—and a game with words, by Julia Goodey and Douglas R. Allan
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Raymond Mander interviews Walter Passmore , who recalls some personal reminiscences of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated by gramophone records. Written and arranged by Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson
Ian Sadler again plays many parts, in a revuette by Allan MacKinnon. At the piano, Alan Paul. Produced by Vernon Harris
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Watson Forbes (viola)
Sgwrs gan R. Alun Roberts (talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' Sam Pig and the Guy ' : Story by Alison Uttley , told by David, followed by gramophone records
National and Regional announcements
Serial adaptation from Charles Dickens 's novel, by Audrey Lucas.
Produced by Moray McLaren. First instalment : ' Oliver comes into the world'
Oliver Twist is to run as a serial for eight instalments, of which this evening's is the first. The entrance of Fagin, Sikes, and Nancy does not, of course, occur until later on. These parts will be played respectively by Malcolm Keene , Allan Jeayes , and Belle Chrystail.
'Ack-Ack joins in': an Anti-Aircraft Gunner's point of view
Sixth of a series of weekly programmes on rebuilding Britain as it affects you. ' The Countryman's Home ': An architect who has rebuilt villages discusses some problems of rural housing with speakers representing the Countryman's point of view. Clough Williams-Ellis , George Haynes , Frances Donaldson
Serial play with music, specially written for broadcasting by Monckton Hoffe. Produced by Val Gielgud and Martyn C. Webster. Episode 2— ' Grace Voltaire '
Other parts played by Brenda Bruce , Philip Garston-Jones , Godfrey Base-ley Janet Jove , David Compton
Midland Light Orchestra and Midland Revue Chorus, conducted by Richard Crean
Anybody might walk in ! Professor Umbridge presents the second of his happy half-hours, with Charles Heslop , Richard Goolden ,
Dick Francis , Dorothy Summers. BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum. Book by Charles Heslop , Ivrics by Max Kester , music by Kenneth Leslie-Smith . Produced by Reginald Smith
By Oliver Goldsmith. Adapted by Robert S. Taylor and Howard Rose Produced by Howard Rose
(by permission of Odeon Theatres, Ltd.)
from a ballroom in Wales, with Dolores Ray , Billy Milton , and dance music played by Eddie Shaw and his Band, with Pat Stoyle
Symphony No. 2, in B minor : played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra. Conductor, Ian Whyte
Reading by Rosamund Lehmann from Emily Bronte 's ' Wuthering Heights '
and his Band, with Margery Kingsley and Jean Farrar