and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Lucienne Boyer, the French radio and recording star
Exercises for men : George Welton
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
An interlude
Short morning prayers
Programme Parade
Guest morning. Ritchie Calder
Popular dance music and songs on gramophone records
at the theatre organ
Introductory music
Now thank we all our God (A. and M. 379; S.P. 350; C.H. 29) (Tune: Nun Danket)
Prayers: The Prayer for Help and Lord's Prayer
For the beauty of the earth (A. and M. 663, vv. 1, 2, 3, 4; S.P. 494, vv. 1, 2, 4, 5; C.H. 17, vv. 1, 2, 4, 5) (Tune: Ratisbon)
Closing music
and his Orchestra
News commentary and interlude
from p. 1 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 6 of ' Each Returning Day '
Programme of gramophone records
Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, conducted by Capt. J. C. Windram : Royal Air Force March Past (Walford Davies) Raymond Newell (baritone) : Airmen of Empire (Rye and Batten)
Dennis Noble (baritone) with Quartet and Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, conducted by Capt. J. C. Windram : Lords of the air (North, Burnaby). Wings over the Navy (Mercer, Warren")
Topical notes on wartime health, mainly by doctors
11.20 Interval music
11.45 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS: 'I shall never forget', by Alistair Cooke
ENSA concert for war-workers, with Charles Ernesco and his Orchestra, the Southern Sisters, and Issy Bonn
The Southern Sisters are never idle in hunting up fresh material for their audiences, and they have been making a number of radio appearances during recent weeks, both in the Home and Overseas programmes. Since the war the trio has been what it describes as ' frantically busy ', touring all over the country and doing a vast deal of work for ENSA. There would seem to be nothing that the Sisters cannot tackle, as many may agree who hear them singing the Drinking Song from L-a Traviata today.
Issy Bonn is another indefatigable entertainer. During the last year he has appeared in numerous radio programmes, including ' Music-Hail ', ' Geraldo's Open House ', ' Happidrome ', and Henry Hall's Guest Night.
Week-end notes for women gardeners : Anna Scarlett and Elizabeth Cowell
Mary Jarred (contralto). BBC
Symphony Orchestra (leader, Paul Beard ), conducted by Maurice Miles
2.0 TRAVEL TALKS : MODERN AFRICA. ' Copper in Northern Rhodesia ', by Margaret Read.
2.15 Interval music
2.20 IF YOU WERE AMERICAN : ' The Wild West' : Nora Wain tells how, at the age of ten, she went on a journey across the U.S.A.
2.40 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT SERIES : Beethoven and his music : illustrated talk by Ronald Biggs
Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
0 turn to Jesus, Mother, turn (Old
W.H. 133)
Prayer for Peace
To Jesus' heart (W.H. 87; Old W.H.
Address by the Rev. Francis Sher liker, S.J.
Organ voluntary : Toccata No. 4 from Suite Gothique (L. Boell marin)
Organist, Eileen Pearcey
Second String Quartet
Southern Command String Quartet : Robert Bossert (violin) ; Julian Clarke (violin); Gordon Mutter
(viola) ; Charles Meert (cello). With an introduction by Eric Fenby
2-The new baby's wardrobe : Talk by Winifred Holmes
A variety of feminine antics with Jeanette Adie , Jan Brown , Jae Fraser , Ann Rich , and Mollie Weir. Aided and abetted musically by Ronnie Munro and the Scottish Variety Orchestra. Controlled, occasionally, by Tom Dawson
Sgwrs gan y Parch. G. E. Breeze (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 For younger listeners : Songs to sing and stories to act, with Doris, Vi, and Nan
5.35 This was a swop ' : W. Ivor Williams relates how he came to own some of his own gramophone records
National and Regional announcements
Conrad : Talk by H. M. Tomlinson
G. D. Cunningham
Prelude in C minor
Trio-Sonata in G (No. 6)
Two Chorale-Preludes : Come, Thou
Saviour of the Gentiles ; Now praise we aU our God
'Up North': some Scottish experiences
Broadcasts on the nature and Authority of thought. 6-' Ourselves and our surroundings ' : Margery Fry , Leo Page , John Mabbott , V. S. Pritchett „
Picture of two years of passive resistance by the Czechoslovak people, by Joseph Schrich. Produced by Robert Kemp. (Up-to-date version of the programme previously broadcast as ' Unseen Allies ')
in ' It's That Man Again', with Jack Train , Horace Percival , Sydney Keith , Clarence Wright , Fred Yule , Dino Galvani , Dorothy Summers , Kay Cavendish , Paula Green. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Script by Ted Kavanagh. Produced by Francis Worsley
A mainly musical excursion into the ghostly and the ghastly, with Dennis Noble , Bobbie Comber , Dennis Arundell. BBC Theatre Chorus. BBC Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Mark H. Lubbock. Script written by Howard Cunningham. Narrator and producer Desmond Davis
Wartime fairy story with lots of morals, written by Henrik Ege. Music by Henry Reed. Produced by Gordon Ctier. Episode 1. ' Stormy petrol '. Frederick Burtwell as Mr.
Cropper, Wynne Ajello as Conscience, and the Cavendish Three. BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum.
Six poems by A. E. Housman , set to music by John Ireland. Ronald Bristol (tenor) sings the songs ; Bernadette Hodgson reads the poems
The Lost Lily ; Ladslove ; Goal and Wicket ; The Vain Desire ; The Encounter ; Epilogue
and postscript
conducted by Maurice Johnstone
and his Band