and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Another programme of gramophone records presented by J. H. Squire
at the theatre organ
followed by Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Order of Service
Kyrie (Five Part; Byrd) Epistle and Gospel Credo (Plain chant)
Address by the Rev. Father M. C. D'Arcy, S.J.
Caligaverunt oculi mei (de Vico)
Popule meus (de Vico)
Invocation and Blessing
sung by Joy McArden (soprano)
played by Arthur Dulay and his Cameo Orchestra
Part I
Elsie Suddaby (soprano)
Mary Jarred (alto)
Parry Jones (tenor)
Eric Greene (tenor)
Roy Henderson (baritone)
William Parsons (bass)
The Bach Choir
C. Thornton Lofthouse (harpsichord)
Ambrose Gauntlett (viola de gamba)
John Francis (flute)
Leon Goossens (oboe)
Osborn H. Peasgood (organ)
The Jacques Orchestra
Leader, Ruth Pearl Conductor, Reginald Jacques
(Part 2 will be broadcast next Sunday at 2.30 p.m.)
at the theatre organ
A programme of listeners' requests presented by R. E. Kingsley , and played by the BBC Military Band
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
A programme of gramophone records presented by Basil Maine
On January 10 that seasoned and popular broadcaster Basil Maine presented a gramophone programme called ' Memories of the Ballet '. As few things are better worth remembering or more enchanting, a host of listeners will be eager to hear this follow-up today'Enchantment of the Ballet '. Basil
Maine's earlier broadcasts on ' Chopin in Love' and ' Elgar's Wartime Music' will be remembered.
C. H. Middleton
In which radio brings to life curious events of the past and present
Compere, Charles Brewer
Questions we ask and the Bible answers
Closing talk by the Rev. Professor C. H. Dodd , D.D.
Duettists in songs and rhythm on gramophone records
(Section A)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Cyfres o raglenni i ddwyn hen arferiad yn 61
or ' The boy who wouldn't grow up ' by J. M. Barrie
Music by John Crook
Redskin braves, pirates, and the crocodile
The storyteller is Mac
Augmented Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
The play adapted for broadcasting and produced by Derek McCulloch and Gordon Crier
(by arrangement with the Children's Hospital, Gt. Ormond Street, London)
(See ' Miscellany ', p. A
followed by Interlude: records
London's architecture considered by John Summerson , A.R.I.B.A.
'We are seven '
' ... a painted ship upon a painted ocean' read by John Smith
A musical biography written and compiled by Wilfrid Rooke Ley
Music selected and the programme presented by Mark H. Lubbock with the BBC Theatre Chorus
Trained by Charles Groves
BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Narrator, Dennis Arundell
broadcast by the combined congregations of a Midland city
Ye holy angels bright (A. and M.
546 ; S.P. 701 ; C.H. 39)
Psalm cxxxix, 1-11
Lesson: St. Matthew v. 3-12 Creed and Prayers
My song is love unknown (S.P. 127) Address by the Bishop of Lichfield Jesus, good above all other (S.P. 540)
This is the first of three evening services which Bishop Edward Woods will conduct. As a general title for his addresses the Bishop has chosen ' What do we ask of God ? ' and tonight his subject will be ' A life worth living
An appeal on behalf of comforts for the Army by Maj.-Gen. Willans, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., Director-General of Army Welfare and Education
Contributions in cash and in kind will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]
by Euripides
First performed about 438 B.C.
Translated into English rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray (by permission of H M Tennent, Ltd
Chorus (consisting of elders of Pherae): Leon Quartermaine (by permission of H. M. Tennent, Ltd.),
John Laurie , Frederick Piper
Produced by Barbara Burnham
' Put on the whole armour of God '
4-' The shield of faith '
Psalm xxvii, 1-7 ; 15, and 16 From Isaiah xl
Awake, our .souls ! (S.P. 451) Ephesians vi, 13-16
A programme of restful melody arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conductor, Gideon Fagan