and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of 'Hutch' (Leslie A. Hutchinson)
Exercises for men
A thought for today
followed by Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
A talk about what to eat and how to cook it, by Mrs. Ingillson
Popular dance music and songs on gramophone records
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
on gramophone records
from p. 21 of ' New Every Morning' and p. 48 of ' Each Returning Day
played by Percival Mackey and his Band
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
at the theatre organ
a programme featuring
Carroll Gibbons and the Savoy Hotel Orpheans
including a guest artist from the A.F.S. or A.R.P. Service
Daphne and Jack Barker
Those famous cabaret stars
'Carroll goes to the movies'
'You call the tune ' a Carroll Gibbons piano feature
and 'Accent on love ' with Anne Lenner
Compere, William Gates
* Bees and spraying '
R. Gamble
The Minister of Agriculture recently made an appeal to fruit-growers and bee-keepers to co-operate during the coming spraying period so as to avoid killing the bees.
Today Reginald Gamble will have something to say about bees and spraying and the working of bees in connection with fruit production.
A play in one act very freely adapted from the novel of the same name by Anne Meredith
The action takes place in Bath, in the years 1810-1811
Produced by Peter Creswell
Leader, George Stratton
Conducted by Basil Cameron
Albert Sammons (violin)
Turkish march; and Overture
Leonora No. 1
Violin concerto
Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D, one of the greatest of all concertos written for this instrument, was composed in 1806 and first performed at the Theater-an-der-Wien in Vienna by the leader of the orchestra, Franz Clement.
It is a world of great lyrical beauty, particularly in the first and second movements. The writing throughout shows Beethoven's perfect understanding of the violin and the orchestration is especially effective. One of the most notable features of the first movement is the opening figure consisting of four drum beats, which plays an important part throughout the movement.
[Home Service continued overleaf
Melodies for all moods on two pianos played by Alan Paul and Ivor Dennis
William Aspden
Trio in D minor (Op. 32) played by The London Ensemble:
Daniel Melsa (violin)
Lilly Phillips (cello)
Hetty Bolton (piano)
Arensky (born at Novgorod in 1861) studied at the Petersburg Conservatoire where Rimsky-Korsakov taught him composition. He was appointed professor of harmony and counterpoint at the Moscow Conservatoire, and later became director to the Court Chapel at Petersburg. As a composer he has more in common with Tchaikovsky than with his teacher Rimsky-Korsakov.
The Trio in D minor is dedicated to the memory of the great cellist Charles Davidov. The work is full of sincere elegiac feeling and of fresh spontaneous melody.
The life-story of Deanna Durbin
The singing voice of Deanna herself in transcriptions from the actual sound track of some of the motion pictures in which she has appeared
(By permission of Universal Films)
The characters in the dramatised story will be portrayed by Celia Lipton , Alan Keith , Sydney Keith , Joan Young , William Ashley
Programme arranged and written by Harry Alan Towers
Produced by Charles Maxwell
Ymddiddan gan y Parch. Watcyn M. Price
(Memories of Eighteen Years: a talk in Welsh)
' Saturday matinee '
Join us at our Children's Theatre to hear
' Packy and the policeman '
A thriller sketch by Franklyn Kelsey
' Fable time'
A musical cartoon by Lyn Joshua and Mai Jones
'Well, well ! '
A comedy sketch by Dorothy Worsley
'Pleased to meet you'
An item by our guest visitor and Songs by the Rainbow Singers
Lyn will be there to introduce the artists to you, and so will
Mister Popcorn , the general nuisance
followed by National and Regional announcements
Questions which are puzzling listeners in these difficult times are discussed each fortnight in this series of talks
The speakers will again be
George Haynes and Herbert Hodge
Once again we stop the London traffic in order to bring you some of the interesting people who are In
Town Tonight
Introducing personalities from every walk of life
Edited and produced by C. F. Meehan
(A recording of this programme will be broadcast tomorrow at 11.0 a.m.)
(Section A)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
with Elsie and Doris Waters
Bunny Doyle
Norman Long and other star artists
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Charles Shadwell
Compere, Gordon Crier
Presented by John Sharman
Men from distant lands of the Dominions and Colonies come to the microphone at this time every fortnight to tell of the trade they followed and the homes they left to join the fight for freedom
' From Britain's eldest Dominion-
Newfoundland '
Sergeant John Carnell and Sergeant
Walter Tucker
(See' Miscellany ', p. 4)
'Music for the million'
Arranged by Gordon McConnel, the producer, and Harold Lowe, the conductor
Linda Gray
Frank Titterton
The Three Radio Graces
BBC Theatre Chorus
Trained by Charles Groves
BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Compere, Christopher Stone
Shortened Evensong
Songs by Ivor Gurney
Desire in Spring
When death to either shall come
I will go with my father a-ploughing The twa corbies
Down by the Salley Gardens Walking song An epitaph
Captain Stratton's fancy sung by Sinclair Logan (baritone)
Quiet music played by The Chalumeau Ensemble