and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Exercises for men
A thought for today
and summary's Home Service programmes
A talk about what to eat and how to cook it, by Janet Chance
played by Violet Carson and Edith Roscoe
Leader, Jean Pougnct
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
A talk about the rations upon which our sailors fought and won their battles a hundred and fifty years ago, by William McDowell
at the theatre organ
Song hits past and present
News commentary and interlude
from p. 77 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 34 of ' Each Returning Day'
Records of good jazz
A talk by an Army Messing Officer
11.0 Physical training (for use in halls)
Edith Dowling
11.20 Interval music
11.25 Games with words, arranged by Helen F. Benson
11.40 Talks for fifth forms
Beyond examinations-English
'Novels and real life '
Nancy Hussey
A programme of his partsongs
BBC Singers (B)
Sybilla Marshall , Winifred Downer , Bettine Young , Margaret Rolfe , Rene Soames , Emlyn Bebb , Victor Utting ,
Victor Harding
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
Five lyrics of Robert Herrick
1 Cupid ; 2 A dirge ; 3 Morning song ; 4 To Electra ; 5 To violets
Two lyrics of Robert Herrick
1 To the virgins ; 2 To daffodils
with Victoria Hopper, Stanelli, Bart Brady, Eric Davy, Gwen Burke, Letty Ross, and a Dance Orchestra of His Majesty's Royal Air Force conducted by Corporal J. Miller
(by permission of the Air Council)
An ENSA entertainment for war-workers from the canteen of a war factory 'somewhere in England'.
(violin) on gramophone records
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Ian Whyte
1.50 For rural schools
Our changing countryside
14-Shopping for Christmas by Godfrey Baselev and David Scott
Daniell -
2.10 Interval music
2.15 For under-sevens
' Let's join in! ' with Ann Driver and Jean Sutcliffe
' The story of Christmas '
2.30 Interval music
2.35 Senior English
' Good writing'
Poetry programme: Reading poetry aloud
L. A. G. Strong
played by Debroy Somers and his Band
from a college chapel
Versicles and Responses Psalm liii
First Lesson: Isaiah li, 4-6
Magnificat (Walmisley, in D)
Second Lesson: St. Mark xiii, 33-37 Nunc Dimittis (Walmisley, in D) Creed
Lesser Litany
Versicles and Responses Collects
Anthem: 0 Lord, increase my faith
Lead, kindly Light (E.H. 425) Blessing
Sam Heppner will tell you, with the aid of gramophone records, stories of the carols
A North-Country tale written for broadcasting by Dora Broome and read by Mary Eastwood
Cecil Norman at the piano in a programme of light music
ynghyd a Sgwrs ar Bwnc y Dydd .
(News and a topical talk in Welsh)
(Welsh Children's Hour)
Rhaglen o Garolau gan Esm6 Lewis a Chor Plant
Nantyffyllon o dan eu harweinydd D. C. Watkins
5.30 Sporting queeriosities
A talk about some more little-known facts of the world of sport by E. H. G. Barwell and children's songs by Elsie Eaves
followed by National and Regional announcements
Things that need doing and ways of doing them
Mr. Security will talk on ' Air-raid shelters in winter ', and will bring to the microphone a shelter warden, a housewife, a member of a stirrup-pump party, and a member of a housewives' Street A.R.P. Service
plays works by Chopin and Rachmaninoff
A miscellany of piping, song, and story with the Glasgow Police Pipe Band
John Jeffrey (tenor) and James Gibson (reader)
Presented by Hugh Macphee
An Edwardian musical comedy
Book by James T. Tanner. Lyrics by Adrian Ross and Percy Greenbank.
Music by Lionel Monckton
Cast in order of their appearance
BBC Theatre Chorus, BBC Theatre Orchestra (leader, Tate Gilder ), conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
Produced by Desmond Davis
The scene is first on the Green, outside the Chequers Inn in an English village where there is a large Quaker community ; and later at the Maison Blum , a fashionable dressmaking establishment in Paris
Time: the early 1900s
The Right Hon. Viscount Cranborne , Secretary of State for Dominion
' Think on these things '
Five studies of life in the Third Reich by Berthold Brecht
The Jew's Trousers
The Worker's Hour
The Winter Relief
The Jewish Wife
The Informer
Produced by Laurence Gilliam
Berthold Brecht, one of the best-known writers in post-war Germany, has written these studies of the lives of ordinary German men and women as they are lived under the Nazi regime.
at the theatre organ Cole Porter melodies
(cello) and the BBC Northern Orchestra
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conducted by Maurice Johnstone
Soloist, Beatrice Harrison
and his Band with Monte Rey, Paula Green, and Bob Arden