and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Selection of old English melodies
his weekly choice of gramophone records
at the theatre organ Medley: Lilt with me
and summary of today's Home Service programmes
Organ Voluntary
Order of Service
Introit: Blessed are they that alway keep judgment (Wesley)
Fill thou my life, 0 Lord my God
(A. and M. 705 ; S.P. 492)
Confession and Absolution Lord's Prayer and Versicles Psalm xv
Lesson: Romans viii, 14-28 Benedictus
When all thy mercies, 0 my God,
My rising soul surveys (A. and M. 517 ; S.P. 694 ; Rv. C.H. 26)
Address by the Rt. Rev. the Lord
Bishop of Lichfield
Father, hear the prayer we offer
(S.P. 487)
Organist and Master of the Choristers, Ambrose P. Porter
played by Harry Fryer and his Orchestra
(A Religious Service in Welsh)
Trefn y Gwasanaeth Salm c
Darllen o Ephesiaid v, 11-20 Gweddi
Fy Nuw, fy Nhad, tr'r wyf o hyd
(249) (Emyniadur yr Eglwys)
Pregeth gan y Parch. Ganon R. H.
Henffych i Enw Iesu gwiw (207)
Bendith Corfeistr ac Organydd,
Peter Williams
Sir Walford Davies
at the theatre organ
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conducted by Guy Warrack ,
Conductor, Harry Heyes
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
C. H. Middleton
Part I
From a theatre in South Wales
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
The National Anthem
Overture: Tannhäuser............Wagner Symphony No. 6, in F (Pastoral)
1 Allegro ma non troppo (Awakening of cheerful feelings on arriving in the country). 2 Andante molto moto (By the brook). 3 Allegro (Merry gathering of villagers). 4 Allegro (Thunderstorm). 5 Allegretto (Shepherds' song: happy and grateful feelings after the storm)
Questions we ask and the Bible answers
4-' How can we arrive at faith in God ? The law of God '
The Rev. Professor J. R. Coates
and his Orchestra
A shortened version of the play by Robert Sherwood , specially adapted for radio by the author with Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne * in the leading parts
A recording of a recent broadcast in Canada in the series ' Let's Face tfic Facts ', in collaboration with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
A play for younger listeners
' The Brownies ', adapted from Mrs.
Ewijjg's story by Barbara Sleigh
Children's Hour Epilogue
followed by Interlude
A bus-driver and a pedestrian will give their views on the question of lafety and accidents as affected by the present conditions
with Joan Hammond
Joseph Satariano
BBC Theatre Chorus, BBC Theatre Orchestra, leader, Tate Gilder , conductor, Stanford Robinson
Organ Voluntary
Order of Service
Crown him with many crowns
(M.H.B. 271 ; A. and M. 304; Rv. C.H. 136)
Invocation and Lord's Prayer Psalm xcvii
Lesson: St. Matthew xxiv, 1-13
Who would true valour see Let him come hither (M.H.B. 620 ; A. and M. 676 ; S.P. 515 ; Rv. C.H. 576)
0 Jesus I- have promised To serve thee to the end (M.H.B. 526 ; A. and M. 271 ; S.P. 255 ; Rv. C.H. 508)
Address by the Rev. W. J. Noble ,
General Secretary of the Methodist
Missionary Society
Thine for ever! God of love (M.H.B.
569 ; A. and M. 280 ; S.P. 258 ; Rv. C.H. 504)
Organist, F. N. Walker
An appeal on behalf of the Ex-Services Welfare Society by an unknown soldier of the last war
The unknown soldier of the last war who is to broadcast this evening will appeal on behalf of work that is of vital interest to the armed Forces and to civilians alike. His voice will be remembered by many listeners who heard his previous appeals on behalf of this Society in '1934 and 1938. Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to Unknown Soldier, [address removed]
A comedy by William Congreve in a shortened version for broadcasting
Dther characters include: Mirabell,
Lady Wishfort (aunt to Mrs. Millamant), Mrs. Marwood, Fainall, Mrs. Fainall, Witwoud, Petulant, Sir Wilfull Witwoud , Waitwell, Foible, and Mincing
Scene: London, 1700
Produced by Barbara' Burnham
By arrangement with H. M. Tennent , Ltd.
sung by Parry Jones (tenor) accompanied at the piano by the composer
Hawthorn time Weathers
The Land of Lost Content:
The Lent lily ; Ladslove ; Goal and wicket ; The vain desire ; The encounter ; Epilogue
All Saints'
Psalm xv ; Revelation vii, 9-17 ;
For all the saints (S.P. 202); Hebrews xii, 1 and 2
Serenade for strings played by BBC Northern Orchestra
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conductor, Gideon Fagan
at the theatre organ