by Marie Hall
and summary of the day's programmes
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
sung by the Lyrian Singers, conductor, Idloes Owen
Compere, W. Vaughan Thomas
The programme arranged by Glyn Jones
Order of Service
Scripture reading, ii Corinthians vi, 1-10
Hymn, Praise to the Holiest in the height (W.H. 56; A. and M. 172; S.P. 625; Rv. C.H. 32)
Scripture reading, St. Matthew iv, 1-11
Hymn, Lead, kindly light (A. and M. 266; S.P. 554; Rv. C.H. 568)
Prayers from the Jesus Psalter
Address by the Rev. Canon John Arendzen, D.D., Ph.D.
Hymn, There is an everlasting home (W.H. 98)
played by The London Ensemble-Daniel Melsa (violin), Lilly Phillips
(violoncello), Hetty Bolton (pianoforte)
and their tail-wagging friends, introduced in song by Constance Carrodus
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Well-known broadcasters read scenes from the novels that they have most enjoyed
This week's reading is from Emily Bronte's 'Wuthering Heights' and the reader is W.E. Williams
Conductor, Fred Mortimer
sung by the BBC Singers (A)—Margaret Godley , Margaret Rees , Doris Owens , Joyce Sutton , Bradbridge White , Martin Boddey , Stanley Riley ,
Samuel Dyson
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
At the piano, Ernest Lush
at the theatre organ
An Orchestral Fairy Tale, Op. 67 recorded by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Koussevitzky
The storyteller, Richard Hate
' Vegetables for the Private Garden '
F. Streeter and C. H. Middleton
The BBC Orchestra (Section B) leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Eva Turner (soprano)
The Rev. F. A. Iremonger , Dean of Lichfield
A commentary during the second half of the match, by Raymond Glendenning, from Parc des Princes, Paris
Both today and next Sunday the British Army is playing the French Army at Association football in France. Next Sunday the commentary on the match will be given on the wavelength for the Forces. But as a full-time programme for the Forces has not yet been introduced, the commentary on today's match is being included in the Home Service programmes. Listeners 'will appreciate that this will enable our men in France to hear and enjoy it.
from the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne
At the piano, Sydney Ffoulkes
' John and Charles Wesley '
The story of a great revival by Alec Macdonald
The cast will include
After the play you will hear some hymns by Charles Wesley
5—' The Fact of Faith'
The Rev. J. S. Whale, D.D., President of Cheshunt College, Cambridge
A recorded picture of evacuation in North Wales, devised by Sam Jones and Nan Davies. Production by Nan Davies
A programme of melody arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
from Carrs Lane Church, Birmingham
Theme—' Christ Triumphant'. 1—' Over the power of evil'
Oman Voluntary
8.0 ()rder .of Service
Hymn, I sing the almighty power of God (Cong. H. 46) Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, Jesus, the very thought of thee (Cong. H. 158 ; A. and M. 178 ;
S.P. 547 ; Rv. C.H. 422)
Breathe on me, breath of God (Cong. H. 194 ; A. and M. 671 ; S.P. 458 ;
Rv. C.H. 194)
Address by the Rev. Leyton Richards
Hymn, When I survey the wondrous cross (Cong. H. 112 ; A. and M.
108 ; S.P. 133 ; Rv. C.H. 106)
Blessing -
Organist, Cyril S. Christopher
' Women of Tomorrow-Wartime Needs of the Girl of Today'
An appeal by Dame Meriel Talbot , D.B.E.
A special campaign for fund, to support wartime social work among girls under twenty-one is being arranged by the eight principal voluntary organisations concerned. These societies have a membership of over 800.000 girls, and form the girls' section of the Standing Conference of Juvenile Organisations.
The money to he raised will be divided among the societies of the girls' group, except for the Girl Guides' Association, which, though actively supporting the campaign, does not make public appeals for funds.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]
in a recital of English songs
Memories and melodies of ten years ago
Presented by Leslie Baily and Charles Brewer including, in person or from records:
Amy Johnson, George Allison, Maurice Chevalier, Noel Coward, Gertrude Lawrence, Jessie Matthews, Marlene Dietrich, Ralph Freeman (designer of Sydney Harbour Bridge), and Robert Wyndham (stunt pilot in 'Hell's Angels')
The pages turned by Patric Curwen
The Male Chorus and the Orchestra (leader, Boris Pecker) conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Produced by Francis Worsley
played by the BBC Theatre Orchestra, leader Tate Gilder , conductor, Stanford Robinson
The operatic intermezzo probably owes its existence to the need for something to interest an audience while scenes are changed, but orchestras and conductors quickly seized on it as an opportunity to take their share of the limelight. It was often a reprise of a melody from an earlier act, but gradually composers came to use it to set the atmosphere of the following scene. Whatever the cause, it is usually a favourite moment in the opera, and tonight's programme includes several of the most loved ones from French and Italian operas.
' The Master Saith '
6—'Blessed are the Meek'
Psalm xxv, 1-10
St. Luke xviii, 9-14
Just as I am (S.P. 253) St. John xv, 5
(Section C) led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
with Dorothy Carless
Selection of Noel Gay 's Melodies