played by Phyllis Rowe
A thought for today
Morning physical exercises for women
at the organ
A guide to the foods that are cheapest and best at the moment
By a hotel manager
Conductor, Leonard Davies
George Armitage (tenor)
Carmen Hill (violoncello)
at the organ of the Dominion Theatre, Tottenham Court Road, London
Conductor, Harry Pell from the Hippodrome Theatre, Dudley
from page 17 of ' New Every Morning'
Leader, Laurance Turner
Conducted by Maurice Johnstone
11.0 Music for Every Day (Ages 9-15)
Music as a Language: Musical Word-Making
Ronald Biggs
11.20 Interlude
11.25 English for Under-Nines (Ages 7-9)
Ten-minute tales by Rhoda Power
11.35 Interlude
11.40 Senior Geography (Ages 11-15)
Russia and her Neighbours
' The Persian and Afghan Border' by Bosworth Monck
Composer-in-Ordinary to Miss Grade Fields
Harry Parr-Davies , composer of many of the most popular tunes of today, tells listeners-in an interview with Leslie Perowne-something of his interesting career, and plays records of his favourite songs
at the organ of the Gaumont Theatre, Manchester
Sonata for violin and pianoforte in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2
1 Allegro con brio. 2 Adagio cantabile. 3 Scherzo: Allegro. 4 Finale:
Allegro played by Norbert Wethmar (violin) and Arthur Dulay (pianoforte)
2.0 Nature Study: Round the Countryside
' A Rainy Day: How do animals and plants behave ? '
C. R. Stonor
2.15 Interlude
2.20 Physical Training (Ages 9-12)
(for use in classrooms)
Edith Dowling
2.35 . Interlude
2.40 British History (Ages 11-15)
' Britain Finds Herself-Oliver Cromwell '
R. Gittings
' Spring Cleaning-1940'
W. P. Matthew
A Variety of Nonsense with full cast of pirates and shrinking maidens, and the Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell
Sewn together and presented by Bill MacLurg
5.0 Mac will read ' The Sleepless Princess'
A story by Geoffrey Dearmer
5.10 'Talking of Music'
The first of a new series of talks by Dr. Malcolm Sargent
Broadcasts in Welsh on 261.1 m. 5.15-5.30
5.15 Newyddion (News)
5.25 O'r Senedd gan T. Huws Davies (A News Talk)
Broadcast in Gaelic on 261.1 m. 5.30-6.0
Anns a' Ghaidhlig. Cuirm ChiiijL Orain Aon-neach is Orain Caraid bho Niall Mac'Illeathain is Seonaid NicMhuirich (A Concert in Gaelic)
4-1 Male Voice Groups'
Sir Walford Davies
' Ploughing the Counties '
Anthony Hurd
Anthony Hurd , in his official capacity, has had to visit most of the County War Agricultural Committees in England and Wales since ast September, and today he is going to talk about the progress of the ploughing-up campaign and the difficulties with which farmers have met and are meeting.
ENSA presents Frank A. Terry 's 'Pleasure on Parade', from 'Somewhere in the North'
The London Philharmonic Orchestra
Leader, Thomas Matthews
Conducted by Sir Henry J. Wood from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co., Ltd.) in aid of the Benevolent Fund of the Incorporated Society of Musicians
The story of the Nazi Party
Episode 8—' 1918-1939—From War to War'by A. L. Lloyd and Igor Vinogradoff
Music composed by George Walter
The BBC Northern Orchestra under the direction of the composer
Production by Laurence Gilliam
from the Hippodrome, Portsmouth
Major-Gen. Sir Ernest Swinton , K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O.
Famous Song-Writers on Parade
No. 6—Noel Coward
The Singers: Helen Clare , Denny Dennis , Ronnie Hill , Dorothy Carless. The BBC Chorus and the Augmented Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum. Musical arrangements by Eric Wild
The programme compiled by Joe Murrells
Presentation by Ronald Waldman
Conducted by the Rev. R. W. Waddelow
with Evelyn Dall , Vera Lennox , Max Bacon , Jack Cooper from the May Fair Hotel, London
Frederick Sharp (baritone)
The Sylvan Trio:
John Francis (flute)
Joy Boughton (oboe)
Millicent Silver (pianoforte)