on gramophone records
A thought for today
Morning physical exercises for men
Koehler and Arlen, lyric-writer and composer
A programme of gramophone records arranged by G. F. Gray Clarke
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Gwladys Garside (contralto)
Adelaide Newman (pianoforte)
' The Mother's Health Before'
A Woman Doctor
from page 61 of ' New Every Morning'
11.0 Music and Movement for Infants (Ages 5-7)
Ann Driver
11.20 Interlude
11.25 Senior English: Rhyme and Reason (Ages 13-15)
Poems about the Country L. A. G. Strong
11.40 Talks for Sixth Forms (Ages 16 and over)
' Foreign Affairs'
Sir Frederick Whyte , K.C.S.I.
Directed by Jack Hardy with Dorothy Pearce (soprano)
(Little Orchestrations by Jack Hardy )
A programme of listeners' requests arranged and presented by Sandy Macpherson at the theatre organ
A few gastronomical records
by Harry Moreton from St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth
2.0 Travel Talks (Ages 9-12)
Peoples of the Empire, planned by E. G. R. Taylor , Professor of Geography in the University of London
' Maori of New Zealand': Captain Tawara Moana
2.15 Interlude
2-20 Topical Talks and Feature Programmes
' Getting your Margarine in Wartime ', by A. Oldfield-Davies
2.40 1 Ysgolion Cymru (For the Welsh Schools)
Storiau a Llenyddiaeth. Barti Ddu gan Griffith J. Jones
An informal Variety programme by some of the stars from the pantomime ' Red Riding Hood ' at the Prince's Theatre, Bristol including Jean Colin , Richard Hassett , Rosalind Melville , Bunny Doyle , and the BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell
Presented by Leslie Bridgmont
An. African Nocturne, by Bernard Rowley
Production by Howard Rose
La puerta del vino by Winifred Davey (pianoforte) Les fees sont d'exquises danseuses General Lavine, eccentric Feux d'artifice
(All the above pieces are from the Second Book of Preludes)
Leader, Tate Gilder. Conducted by Harold Lowe
' Safe in the Country '
The seventh play in the series by L. du Garde Peach
Broadcasts in Welsh on 261.1 m. 5.15-5.45
5.15 Newyddion (News)
5.30 Arwyr ein Cenedl.' Ymddiddan gan Syr John Edward Lloyd.
(A talk)
Trio in G minor, Op. 15
1 Moderato assai. 2 Allegro ma non agitato. 3 Andante. 4 Finale i
Presto played by the Kamaran Trio:
Marjorie Hayward (violin), Antonia Butler (violoncello),
Kathleen Markwell (pianoforte)
A National Magazine, introduced by Peter Fettes
Mainly about Food
Dorothy Summers (comedienne)
Jack Hill (syncopating pianist)
followed at not earlier than 7.10 by Scottish and Northern Ireland
Being part of a camp concert performed and presented by members of the Canadian contingent from ' Somewhere in England'
by W. N. Ebbutt
(By permission of Paramount Pictures) by Ernest Vayda afed Guy Bolton , from the play ' The Prince Consort' by Leon Xanroff and Jules Chancel
Music by Victor Schertzinger , lyrics by Clifford Grey. Radio score by Jack Beaver
Principal Characters
Others taking part: Olivia Burleigh , Evelyn Nielsen , Arthur Pusey ,
H. Brough Robertson , Tarver Penna , Alan Keith , Jacques Brown
The Revue Chorus and the Augmented Revue Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Produced by Douglas Moodie
A talk by Onlooker
Every week speakers come to the microphone able to talk with authority about subjects which the war has made of national, or even world, importance. There are other sides of these subjects-there are other subjects altogether-which are being talked about, and sometimes being worried about, by men and women in every home, bus, and railway carriage. These are the sort of things which Onlooker, beginning tonight, will choose for his weekly talk on current happenings, doings, and sayings of the week. He hopes that listeners will themselves suggest topics to him.
' Onlooker' hides a personality well known to many listeners j but hitherto his voice has rarely been heard on the wireless.
The story of the great south land in impression, quotation, and statistical facts
Part One—'The Birth of a Nation '
Bondage-Settler-Gold Rush-Gallipoli
Part Two—' Australia Now'
Quotations from Captain James Cook , Adam Lindsay Gordon , Henry Lawson , John Masefield , Banjo Paterson , Brian Penton , Arthur Phillip ,
Ernest Scott , and others
Thomas Wood , traveller, will speak for himself
The BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Kemlo Stephen
Compilation, music, and production by John Gough
from the Royal Bath Hotel Ballroom, Bournemouth
Listen to : Tommy Handley (the famous comedian), Helen Hill (the popular singer), Gene Gerrard (stage and screen star), the Gerard Singers
Compere, Kenneth Rainford
And dance to : Benny Loban and his Music Weavers, with Eddie Gurey
Presented by Leslie Bridgmont
(Section A) leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
A reading of poetry by L. A. G. Strong