A thought for today
Morning physical exercises for women
A programme of gramophone records
A weekly guide to the foods that are cheapest and best at the moment by an Hotelier
Conducted by Guy Warrack
with Beryl Davis , Pat O'Regan , the Three J's
My home; my money ; my children ; my work ; my pleasures ; my husband ; myself
'A personal miscellany in which women and men will talk to women particularly about things interesting to themselves
from page 81 of New Every Morning'
A programme of gramophone records presented by Alec Robertson
11.0 Music for Every Day (Junior and Senior 9-15)
Ronald Biggs (Director of the Rural Music Schools Council)
11.20 Interlude
11.25 Stories for Under-Nines
The Fairy Girl's Tune from ' The Whins of Knockattan ' by Anne Casserley , arranged for broadcasting by Jean Sutcliffe
11.35 Interlude
11.40 Senior Geography:
The Geography of the War (Ages 11-15)
' Sea-borne supplies ', by A. G. Ogilvie , Professor of Geography,
University of Edinburgh
at the organ of the Paramount Theatre, Glasgow
Conducted by Gideon Fagan
Matthew Norgate
Conductor, Fred Berry
2.0 Nature Study (Ages 9-12)
Round the Countryside
' Winter Sleepers'
Eric Parker
Eric Parker-one of the most delightful broadcasters on things of the country—was born in Hertfordshire, and interested in country things nght from the start. He began broadcasting in when, on the illness of his friend, Anthony Collett , he took over schools, which he has been giving intermittently ever talks in a delightful
Older children may have heard one or two of his talks in a delightful evening series he gave two years ago. It had the the April to June and covered everything to be seen and ne the country during those best months of the year, from the nesting of birds to the flight of their young, from the time of bluebelk to the days when the fields are red with sorrel and golden w th butterc p , ^ ^of butterflies from flower to flower in the heyday their short lives.
This afternoon Eric Parker w,l. talk ib«J ^ and the snail, and say something about the irog, which habits.
2.15 Interlude
2.20 Physical Training (Ages 9-12) (for use in a classroom)
Edith Dowling
2.35 Interlude
2.40 British History (Ages 11-15)
Britain in the Making—' The Spanish Armada-England's fight against a threat to her national independence', by Rhoda Power
at the theatre organ
by Lance Dossor
' It's Chic to be Thrifty'
Alison Settle
A melodic miscellany presented by Roy Speer with Adelaide Hall accompanied by Fela Sowande at the organ, the Three in Harmony, Dorothy Carless , Dick Bentley , Robert Ashley , and the BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Charles Shadwell
The programme compered by James Dyrenforth , with occasional interruptions by Kokahoupoulos
For Younger Listeners
Singing Games
A story, and Charles's Musical-Box
5.15 'Dinner-times at Work' by Charles Holland
with Sylvia Welling
Michael Cole
The BBC Theatre Orchestra (leader, Tate Gilder ), conducted by Mark H. Lubbock
W. Rees Owen and Anthony Hurd
An entertainment for the troops
Presented by Frank A. Terry
with Claud Branston, James O'Neill, Billy Richards, Anne Verne, Cliff Weir, Frank Nolan, Edna Green, Len Aston, Mary Genn from 'Somewhere in England '
(Section B). Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Famous Song-Writers on Parade
No. 3—Rodgers and Hart
The Singers: Helen Clare , Denny Dennis , Dorothy Carless , Ronnie Hill , the Cavendish Three, the BBC Revue Chorus, and the Augmented
Orchestra, conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Musical arrangements by Bill Williamson. The programme compiled by Joe Murrells. Presentation by Ronald Waldman
by Patrick Hamilton
Production by Val Gielgud
Major-General Sir Ernest Swinton , K.B.E., C.B., Q.S.O.
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
Address by the Rev. W. H. Elliott
from the Grand Hotel, Torquay
Listen to
Eric Barker , the satirical orator ; Helen Hill , the popular singer ;
Jeanne de Casalis (Mrs. Feather) and dance to
Harry Evans and his Dance Band
Presented by Leslie Bridgmont
Sonata in F, Op. 129, for clarinet and pianoforte
1 Allegro moderato. 2 Caoine: Adagio quasi fantasia. 3 Allegretto grazioso played by Pauline Juler (clarinet) and Howard Ferguson (pianoforte)
with Julie Dawn , Cherry Simmonds from Quaglino's Restaurant, London