A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
played by Nelson Elms at the theatre organ
A recording made by Essie Ackland with chorus
Prescription by BBC Variety Orchestra
Leader, Frank Cantell
Conductor, Charles Shadwell
Gerry Fitzgerald and Helen Clare
Twenty-five minutes in the band room with Billy Tement , the Dance Orchestra, and a few friends, including
Frederick Gregory , Luanne Shaw ,
Guy Verney , and Graham Payn
Commere, Diana Morrison
Devised and written by Harry Alan
Produced by Tom Ronald
A programme of gramophone records
(Welsh songs)
Sung by Hubert Evans (baritone)
Sweet music for your siesta on gramophone records
played by George Scott-Wood and his Grand Accordion Band
at the theatre organ
to the music of Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
Produced by Douglas Moodie
sung by Muriel Sotham (contralto)
Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen-what's your favourite melody ? Tell us the title and as many as can be got into half-an-hour will be plaved to you by Roy Rich
Address your postcards, marked ' Record Time ' in the top left-hand corner, to the BBC, Broadcasting House, W.I.
A description of recent events at sea
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by Colin Wills
A non-stop review of popular melodies through the years with Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra
I bring to you a love song ...
Trying to tell you all that it knows All that a heart dare not speak Songs may sing
A romantic half-hour of records with Your Radio Romeo
It may well be said that the boys of the Forces more than deserve the plethora of programmes that are devoted to them. But what about the girls, who see in their sailor or soldier or airman something ideal and romantic which they would like to hear expressed in music ? Here is a programme for them. And if they only knew who their Radio Romeo really is, 'what a mail he would get!
Variety from a Northern theatre
and his Orchestra