Today's story is 'The Peacock and the Pig' by Gerald Young
A second start in mathematics
A vertical oscillation is compared with a circular rotation and a new type of differential equation is solved.
Introduced by Bill Coleman
Written by Douglas Quadling
Reporting the world tonight Peter Woods and the reporters and correspondents, at home and abroad, of BBC News
and Weather
A weekly programme which focuses on people and the situations which shape their lives
Reporters Jim Douglas Henry, Jeremy James, Jeanne La Chard, Gillian Strickland, Desmond Wilcox, Harold Williamson
Tonight: Law and Order: 2: The Way Ahead
Today many people are demanding more freedom, more protest, bigger demonstrations, lighter sentences in the courts, a reformative attitude to crime, a tolerance of youthful violence. Others, alarmed by increasing crime and contempt for authority, demand sterner laws more sternly enforced. Between these opposing factions, often maligned by both, stand the police - the men we pay to keep the peace. Traditionally the police have been outside politics but more and more, often against their will, they are being drawn into the political arena. How will the relationship between police and public develop from the present crisis of confidence on both sides?
Tonight, in the second of two programmes on law and order, Man Alive looks at the police, through the eyes of the public as well as the men on the beat - and with outside broadcast cameras, brings both sides together
A one-man, informal concert of songs with which 'The Governor' will always be associated and some new ones of which the same will doubtless be true in the years to come.
The music of the Don Costa Orchestra is no mere accompaniment, more of a complement to the Sinatra magic.
(a programme recorded In America; first shown on BBC1)
Europa is a programme devoted to other people's television.
The opinions, statements, allegations, and refutations that Europe's 300 million television viewers outside Britain are seeing on their screens at home.
What French TV thinks about a particular German problem; how the Italians see life in Holland, or Scandinavia, or Britain for that matter.
And further afield - Europa looks at world affairs through other people's eyes.
Introduced by Derek Hart
Talk, argument, people, diversion with Tony Bilbow, Sheridan Morley, Joan Bakewell,
Michael Dean