Presented from Scotland by ALLAN WRIGHT
A regional view of farming in the week ahead BBC Scotland
6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presented by Brian Bedhead with LIBBY PURVES including at
6.45- Prayer for the Day
7.8. 8.0 Today's News
7.30 30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
A look ahead with Moira Stuart
Ion Trewin looks at life in and out of the Sound Archives.
Studio guests join Mavis Nicholson, Kenneth Robinson and Fritz Spiegl for an unpredictable 55 minutes of argument, humour and some music, all of which is intended to start your week off in fine style.
'Swifts never seem to come down to the ground or land in the trees, so how do they get their nest material? '
The down-to-earth team of naturalists answer your wildlife questions. Introduced by Derek Jones Producer JOHN HARRISON BBC Bristol
NEM, P 110; Beloved, let us love (BBC HB 373); Psalm 16; Matthew 15, vv 10-28 (AV); 0 thou not made with hands (BBC HB 180)
Clowns by JENNY STEBBINGS Read by Sally Mates
' The circus is leaving today. The big, blue-striped tent that has housed many failures and successes over the past three weeks, is being taken down, packed up and moved on.' Producer MITCH RAPER
What happens when » factory closes down in a high unemployment area?
Jeremy Bugler reports.
The Giant's Pancake by DAPHNE LISTER and The Empty House by RUTH AINSWORTH
Presenters Sue Cook and George Luce
Including MARGARET KOR' VING'S World of Work with ideas on careers and training and a selection of current job vacancies around the country. Editor JOHN TURTLE
(full details Thurs 6.30)
18.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
Presenter Brian Widlake
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
with Sue MacGregor
Talking Point: opinions and ideas....
Heading Your Letters.
Toying about with Chips: silicone chips have invaded the toy market; JILL COCHRANE investigates. Gentle Words for the Gentle Sex: Woman's Hour listener MAUREEN HUTH with this month's review of newly published magazines.
Dr Nina and the Panther (4)
by Ian Cullen
(Broadcast Sat at 8.30 pm)
A Rogue's Life by WlLKIE COLLINS abridged in ten pans by ELIZABETH BRADBURY Read by Bob Grant (1)
' My life has been rather a strange one. It may not seem particularly useful or respectable, but it has been adventurous.'
Producer KAY JAMIESON BBC Manchester
5.51 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
including Financial Report
Tim Brooke-Taylor Barry Cryer
Graeme Garden and William Rushton put the ' um ' in Humour. Chaired by Humphrey Lyllelton Accompanied by COLIN SELL Producer
(Repeated; Wed 12.27 pm)
(Repeated: Tucs 1.40 pm
Stewart Love's tragicomedy about life in Belfast, at the end of the 1960s.
'Pat Doran, I will say this only once. so listen very carefully. There's no place round here for you or your mother or people like you.... Times are changing. Lines are being drawn. You and your mother, you're living in the wrong place. You must go elsewhere.'
BBC Northern Ireland
(Repeated: Sun at 2.30)
A scries in which June Knox-Mawer asks travellers and travel-writers about the place, the book and the music, to which, given the chance, they return most often. Today's guest: author and traveller René Cutforth Producer PETER ESTALL
Presenter Chris Powling Producer CARROLL MOORE
9.59 Weather
Douglas Stuart reporting
Michael Charlton invites some of the major figures in the news this week to discuss their role in current events.
Producer JOCK GALLAGHER BBC Birmingham
The Secret Sharer by JOSEPH CONRAD abridged in five parts by JANET UITCHMAN
Read by Edward Fox (1)
' I saw at once something elongated and pale floating very close to the ladder. Before I could form a guess a faint Bash of phosphorescent light, which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of a man, flickered in the sleeping water with the elusive, silent play of summer lightning in a night sky.'
Producer MAURICE LEITCH long wave only
long wave only
Weather report: forecast followed by an interlude