9.15 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 3: Electricity at work: 1: Three phase distribution
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes
9.38 Maths Today: Year 1: Mapping and Relations
Introduced by David Sturgess
10.0-10.20 History 1917-1967: Crisis in Asia
Introduced by Brian Redhead
10.25-10.45 Dysgu Cymraeg
A series for Welsh Schools
(All transmitters except Scotland and Northern Ireland)
11.0 Drama: Macbeth: Part 4
by William Shakespeare
11.35 A Year's Journey: The Isles of Scilly
Introduced by Eric Simms
12.0 New Horizons: Men and Gods: The Artist as Creator
Written and narrated by Dr John Broadbent