9.38 Exploring Your World: Taking Care Of Your Body
(Shown on Monday)
10.0-10.20 Changing Britain: Airport Location
(Shown on Tuesday)
10.25-10.45 Dysgu Cymraeg
A series for Welsh Schools
(Welsh Transmitters, Sutton Coldfield, Holme Moss, Wenvoe West)
11.5-11.20 La Chasse au Tresor: 7: Au secours!
(Shown on Tuesday)
11.35 Maths Today: Year 2: 14: Summing Things Up
Introduced by Stewart Gartside
(Repeated on Monday and Thursday next week)
12.0-12.25 For Sixth Forms: The Mind of the Scientist: 2: Herschel - The Depths of Space and Time
(Shown on Monday)