by John Lucarotti
[Starring] Ray Barrett, Geoffrey Keen, Philip Latham
Guest star, Hilary Dwyer
"Peter Thornton not interested in oil? That's like Laurence Olivier saying the theatre's a bore." That's the reaction when Thornton, exhausted after being frozen in Alaska and fried in Australia, resigns from Mogul and turns his back on the world of oil.
Can Stead get his number one troubleshooter to change his mind? Thornton, lying peacefully on a beach in Fiji, says no. Willy Izard, lecturing hippies in California, has his doubts but agrees to try.
Exotic Fiji, peace, and a beautiful girl (of course) are powerful influences on a disillusioned Thornton. But Stead has a few tricks to pull before he will admit defeat.
Writer John Lucarotti stopped off in Fiji on a round-the-world research trip for Troubleshooters last year - and nearly didn't come back. "It really is the sort of place that makes you want to forget everything," he says. "And that was the start of this story. I thought if this can happen to me, it could certainly happen to Thornton..."