9.38 Mathematics in Action: 6: Normal Distributions
Introduced by Stewart Gartside.
(Repeated on Tuesday and on Monday and Tuesday next week)
10.0 Merry-Go-Round: Ships in School (i)
Introduced by Edward Salt.
Filmed at Pangbourne County Primary School
(Repeated on Thursday and on Monday and Thursday next week)
10.25-10.45 Maths Today: Which Class?
Introduced by David Sturges.
(Shown last week
(Repeated on Wednesday)
11.5-11.25 Exploring Your World: Living Underwater
Introduced by Harry Armstrong.
(Repeated on Wednesday and on Monday and Wednesday next week)
11.35 For Sixth Forms: Colonialism: 1: The Growth of Empire
What drove the colonial powers to imperial conquest and what was the impact on the conquered peoples?
Introduced by John Tusa
With Dr. Kofi Busia, Lord Caradon, Michael Edwardes, John Hatch, David Holden,
Professor Owen Lattimore, Professor Hugh Tinker, Tarzie Vittachi.
(Repeated on Wednesday and on Monday and Wednesday next week)
12.5-12.25 Engineering: Craft and Science: Engineering Materials: 3: The Strength of Steel
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes, C.Eng., A.M.I., Prod.E.
(Repeated on Wednesday and Friday - not Scottish)