Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s fabric. Show more
When Hare would rather read her big book of fairytales than hang out with Fox, he fears he’s not exciting enough. Show more
Tha Magaidh a' toirt Izzy air chuairt 's iad a' fàgail Shane os cionn an tuathanas! Magaidh and Izzy head out for the day, leaving Shane in charge of the farm! Show more
Spòrs is plòidh son clann fo aois sgoile! Deiseil son beagan leum is danns le Amanda? Gaelic children's programme. Dancing fun for preschool children.
Tha picnic a’ gabhail àite – ach chan eil am biadh a’ fuireach stòlda. It’s picnic time, but the food isn’t staying in place. Show more
A bedtime story for young children. Joy Dunlop reads An Troil written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by David Roberts and translated into Gaelic by Jo Macdonald. Show more
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Series 1
Droil is Dòrainneach/Bored Silly
11 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Le mearachd, tha Granaidh a’ buannachadh geama-bùird aig a’ bhingo. Gran accidentally wins a board game as a bingo prize. Show more
Na Dana-thursan aig Tintin/The Adventures of Tintin
Series 1
Taisgealaichean Air A' Ghealaich – Pairt 2
26 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for 7 months
Tha Jorgen a' cur cuideam air Wolff gus dèanamh às agus càch fhàgail air a' ghealaich. Jorgen puts pressure on Wolff to take off and leave the others behind on the moon. Show more
Tha sgilean gu leòr an-seo! Plenty skills here!
Plòigh agus saidheans còmhla ris an Ollamh Olive & Dr Moiteil agus na Lasgainean. Dr Moiteil and Professor Olive have fun with science in the company of the Lasgainean. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
It's another day in Fraochy Bay and Featherby's Pie Factory has fallen on hard times. Owner Mr Featherby sets up a contest in order to boost his sales. Show more
Ball-coise air BBC ALBA/Football on BBC ALBA
SPFL Challenge Cup - Falkirk v Dundee
2 hours, 10 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Challenge Cup quarter-final action as Falkirk take on Dundee. Full match coverage on BBC ALBA with presenter Micheal Steele and commentator Alex O’Henley.
Eileen Macdonald reports on the campaign to restore consultant-led maternity services in Moray. In Poland there is a shortage of coal due to a ban on Russian imports as a result of the war in Ukraine. Show more
Tha na poilis a’ cur cheistean air Ceitidh agus Màiri. The police interview Ceitidh and Màiri. Show more
Coin trusaidh ann an Astràilia. Muster dogs in Australia. Show more
American fitness freak Arnold Logan is invited to Fraochy Bay to sell his miracle muscle-gain products. Show more
Recorded at the Trad Awards 2021, The Strathspey Band perform a lively set of tunes. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.