Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Boiteag Threun faces trouble when the lizard asks the crow to bring Boiteag to him for his meal. Quickly, all the creatures come together to save Boiteag from his fate. Show more
Tha dùbhradh grèine dol bhith ann 's tha ’ad uile air bhioran mun seo! There’s going to be a solar eclipse and everyone is excited about this! Show more
Series 1
Tha fhios agamsa càit’ a bheil toileachas!/I know where to go to find happiness!
7 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for 8 months
While they are out camping, Petit's grandpa tells the children the tale of the Happiness Horse. Show more
Chan eil Gasta idir sona oir that eòin air na sùbhan-làir aige ithe. Gasta is not at all happy as birds have eaten his strawberries. Show more
Art MacCarmaig a’ leughadh Alfons, chan fhaod thu sin a dhèanamh! Arthur Cormack reads Alfons, chan fhaod thu sin a dhèanamh! Show more
A geeky descendant, named Derek Mollard, travels back in time to try to stop Danger Mouse from destroying the world. Show more
Tha Hannah a’ farpais an aghaidh preasantairean CBBC ALBA ach saoil cò shoirbhicheas? Hannah competes against the CBBC ALBA presenters but who will emerge victorious? Show more
Tha an Fhèis Chnuimh mu chàirdeas is coibhneas – saoil an cuimhnich 'ad uile mun sin? Grubfest is about sharing and friendship – will everyone remember that? Show more
Tha sinn ann an Ruisia an-diugh le Olaidh Orains agus Coinneach Clogaid. We’re in Russia today with Coinneach Clogaid and Olaidh Orains. Show more
Tha ceistean aig Tintin a thaobh tinneas a tha ri bualadh luchd-triall Sanders-Hardiman. Tintin needs answers to the illness which hits some of the Sanders-Hardiman expedition. Show more
Gregor MacLeod is in Inverness to taste a scrumptious new take on soda bread, which adds olive oil, rosemary and olives to turn it into a spectacular focaccia. Show more
Abi Reid from Stirlingshire is Joy's guest, and Calum Maclean is in Islay visiting a distillery. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Heather Dewar visits Lewis where she draws a colour portrait of Maggie Mackenzie. Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir ann an Leòdhas a’dèanamh dealbh dathte de Mhagaidh NicCoinnich. Show more
When servant Jess McPherson was found bludgeoned to death, her employer pointed the finger at her best friend Jessie. But was McLachlan wrongly convicted? Show more
Cuirm-chiùil à Talla Rìoghail Ghlaschu le Niteworks agus Orcastra a’ BhBC ann an Alba. Niteworks and The BBC SSO collaborate in a performance at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Show more
Ramsay immerses himself in Durness’s history, mainland Britain’s most north-westerly community. Ramsay a’bogadh an eachdraidh Dhiùirnis, am baile is fhaide an iar-thuath air tìr-mòr Show more
Tha uallach Iseabail a’ tighinn am bàrr nuair a tha Raonaid a’ bruidhinn ri Tormod. Iseabail’s fears come to life when Raonaid catches up with Tormod. Show more
At Five Sisters Zoo, Chris is getting hands on with a host of slippery and prickly creatures in the reptile section.
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Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.