Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
When Hare would rather read her big book of fairytales than hang out with Fox, he fears he’s not exciting enough. Show more
Tha Zac ‘son a bhith na dhrumair sa chòmhlan le Pip is Posy, ach abair g’ eil e fuaimeil. Zac wants to be a drummer in the band but the noise is deafening. Show more
Rita knows lots about birds. Out of all the birds in the world, Rita thinks that pigeons are the best. Show more
A new train that goes directly to the ocean has just opened in town. Célestine would love to go to the sea with Ernest, but the ticket is very expensive. Show more
Huggleboo discovers little seeds in an apple. From each seed a plant can grow, and each plant can turn into a tree! Show more
Christine Primrose reads Sòlas written by Corrinne Averiss, illustrated by Isabelle Follath and translated into Gaelic by Morag Stewart. Show more
Dave is thrilled when he wins an electronic home-help device called Barry. Show more
Everything is going well today but, as you would expect, Coinneach Clogaid will be trying to ruin everything. Show more
Tha Mrs Oh feumach air buidealair ach chan eil Mgr. P deònach taic a thoirt seachad. Mrs Oh needs a butler but Mr P isn’t prepared to help out. Show more
Tha Stella glacte eadar argamaid Mia is Freya. Stella is caught between Mia and Freya’s argument. Show more
‘S e pìobaire an aona phort a tha seo! Is this piper adaptable enough?
Tha Lan air a bhith ag ionnsachadh sgìtheadh saor-stoidhle airson iomadh bliadhna is tha e a’ còrdadh ris gu mòr. Lan has been learnng freestyle skiing for many years and he enjoys it very much. Show more
Deacon Blue's Lorraine MacIntosh knows the Glasgow bus well. Join her as she shares her connections to Donegal. Show more
Political Journalist Niall O’Gallagher is Joy’s studio guest, and Calum Maclean visits a location in Islay which is both historic and political. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Eòrpa brings you in-depth reports on some of the most important issues from Scotland and across Europe.
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To preserve Romanian wildlife, a 150km-long passage was created in 2010: the Zarand corridor. For bears, this gateway is the key of survival. Show more
Taisbeanadh togarrach le Sian agus an càirdean bho Na Trads, 2019. An uplifting performance from Sian and their musical friends at Na Trads in 2019.
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Tha Calum a’ feuchainn dòigh-obrach ùr le camara - ach an soirbhich leis? Calum tries out a new photography technique, but will it turn out to be a success for him? Show more
Sketch show featuring the latest updates from the ferry office, a recipe with a difference, and red hot passion finds physical expression via a clown love triangle. Show more
At Five Sisters Zoo, Chris is getting hands on with a host of slippery and prickly creatures in the reptile section.
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Ramsay travels to the Isle of Mull to explore the longest cave in the Hebrides. Ramsay ann am Muile a’feuchainn gu ceann na h-uamha is fhaide sna h-eileanan. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.