Two Sonatas, Op. 5
No. 1. in F; No. 2, in G minor
Zara Nelsova (cello)
Artur Balsam (piano)
Dr. MARK ABRAMS has recently made a study of figures showing the big swing in consumer expenditure that has taken place during the last few years. After a post-war burst of spending on ephemeral luxuries people are now turning to a wide range of more durable commodities.
In this talk he considers the effects of this trend on the social pattern and on social behaviour.
Come all you pretty streamers so gay, Wherever stream or land may be; This is the finest countryside That ever you did see;
With cross and bell and cannon-ball And roses in a row,
I) the angel hadn't directed us And where shall we go?
Impressions of a return journey to Cornwall by Terence Tiller with Dera Cooper. Patricia Hayes
Mollie Rankin. Mary Steele
Thea Wells. Scot Finch . Stephen Jack
Basil Jones , Eric Phillips
Victor Platt , David Spenser and the author as narrator
(: second broadcast)
See foot of page. Part 1
A reply to George F. Kennan by Norman Gibbs
Chichele Professor of the History of War in the University of Oxford
In a recent talk in the Third Programme George F. Kennan , former U.S. Ambassador in Moscow, said that the most urgent problem in international life today is to remove the shadow of the atom. Professor Gibbs questions the suggestion that tensions between East and West are particularly due to the existence of nuclear weapons, and he examines the military risks involved in an attempt to eliminate them without at the same time reducing conventional weapons.
Part 2
Iviron Monastery owns a unique manuscript of Greek folk songs written in Byzantine notation by a monk in the sixteenth century. John LEATHAM , who photographed the manuscript, and EGON WELLESZ , who deciphered the notation, talk about its history and its importance; ARDA MANDlKIAN (soprano) sings some of the sonp.
Partita No. 4, In D played by Walter Emery (harpsichord)