London Symphony Orchestra
(Led by Peter Gibbs )
Conducted by Harry Newstone
Part 1
Overture: Dr. Merryheart (1912) SYMPHONY No. 12 (1957)
(first performance)
Robert Simpson writes on page 6
A weekly review of the arts
This edition includes:
Kingsley Amis on the jazz and poetry disc Red Bird Dancing on Ivory, with music by the Tony Kinsey Quintet and translations of a sequence of love poems by Pablo Neruda written and spoken by Christopher Logue
Part 2
SYMPHONY No. 11 (1964)
(first performance)
A selection of his recent verse
Introduced by the author and read by Alan Wheatley
Beaux Arts Trio:
Daniel Guilet (violin)
Bernard Greenhouse (cello) Menahem Pressler (piano)
TRAN VAN KHE , Doctor of Musicology at the Sorbonne and formerly conductor of the Traditional Orchestra at Saigon and Hanoi, sings folk songs to his own accompaniment and plays classical music on lute, zither, and two-stringed fiddle.