on Religion and Art
Has Art necessarily anything to do with God? Does the religious artist need to believe? Can Modern ' art be baptised? And what about uplift? These are some of the questions discussed in the Disputation given before the Cambridge Aquinas Society at Blackfriars, the house of the Dominicans at Cambridge.
Father Thomas Gilby O.P. ,
Father Illtud Evans O.P. ,
Father Benet Weatherhead
Helga Mott (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Der JUngling
Einem Bach der fiiesst
0 toi qui prolonges mes jours Cet asile aimable et tranquille
Mendelssohn Neue Liebe
Bei der Wiege Der Mond
Auf Fltlgeln des Gesangea Volkslied
Reminiscences of a Cockney childhood during the war of 1914-18 Written and narrated by Gertrude Hutchinson with Yvonne Hills , Hilda Schroder
Thea Wells , Marjorie Westbury Frank Atkinson , Leigh Crutchley
Frank Duncan , Denis Goacher
Produced by Terence Tiller
Wolfgang Marschner (violin)
Margaret Kitchin (piano)