[Starring] Jill Bennett and Howard Marion-Crawford with James Thomason
During the Interval (6.0-6.10 app.)
Cinq mouvements brefs (Jean Rivier) played by Francoise Gobet (piano) on a gramophone record
Leonard Rose (cello) Ivor Newton (piano)
Noel Annan
Provost of King's College, Cambridge reviews Sir Isaiah Berlin's recently published inaugural lecture, Two Conceptions of Freedom
A tragedy in three acts
Libretto by F. B. Hoffmann
Music by Cherubinl with recitatives by Franz Lachner sung in the Italian translation by Carlo Zangarlnl on gramophone records
Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan
The action taket place at Corinth, in and near the royal palace.
Act 1
The Poet's Voice
Contributions by Owen Leeming , Robert Lowell
J. E. M. Lucie-Smith
James Michie , Peter Porter and Peter Redgrove
Selected and arranged by George MacBeth and read by the poets themselves
Acrs 2 and 3