A chronicle of the development of English drama
Arranged for broadcasting and introduced by John Barton
Edited and produced by Raymond Raikes
12-The Professional Theatre:
Popular Drama
'The Spanish Tragedy' (1585-7) by Thomas Kyd
Cast in order of speaking:
CHORUS (Ghost of Andrea, William Bedle ; Revenge, Trevor Martin ); Kinc of SPAIN, Arthur Young : HIERONIMO, Carleton Hobbs ; Balthazar. John Westbrook; LORENZO. John Gabriel; HORATIO, Denis McCarthy : BELLIM-PERIA, Denise Bryer ; AMBASSADOR or PORTINGAL, Raf de la Torre; PEDRIN-GANO, Malcolm Hayes : ISABELLA. Molly Rankin : PACE TO Lorenzo, David Spenser ; PEDRO. John Ruddock; BAZARDO. Will Leighton: Viceroy of PORTINGAL, Howieson Culfl
Incidental music by Anthony Bernard followed by Will Kempe 's ' Jig of Rowland'
Translated from the German by John Barton
Musical setting by Anthony Bernard Rowland. Denis Quilley; Robert, his friend. Ian Wallace : Margaret, Adele Leigh ; John the Sexton, Dudley Jones
London Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Anthony Bernard
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 9)
The First Stage—Conclusion: October 1
from Berlioz to the Present Day
1-Foreign Influences
Michel Sénéchal (tenor) Frederick Stone (piano)
Pint of sixteen recitals devoted to the growth and flowering of modem French song.
Child-centred Education: a Defence byH. A. T. Child formerly Senior Educational Psychologist to the L.C.C.; now joint head. With his wife. of Darlington Hall School
In a talk broadcast in this series last May, G. H. Bantock argued that the child-centred methods of so-called ' progressive ' education were based on fallacious reasoning. Mr. Child, in his defence of the new methods, contends that they have, on the contrary, a sound theoretical basis.
by Hans Vollenweider
Wie schon leuchtet der Moitfenstern; Auf meinen lieben Gott; O Haupt vol Blut und Wunden: Bteh auf in deiner Macht, 0 Gott
(Brst broadcast in this country)
From St. Paul's Cathedral. London